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Kakashi's point of view

Sasuke has left the village. That revenge driven lad. I failed as a teacher too! Dammit! I'm just a curse for everyone.

It's been two days now that he has left. Ikada still keeps asking me if I'm fine or not even though I don't give a shit to her. That girl....

A month has been passed and we're still unable to track about sasuke. That boy.. day after tomorrow Naruto will be leaving with jiraiya for a whole three years for training. Sakura has got tsunade. I wonder about ikada. I hope she doesn't come to me for training.


Ikada was going around the village thinking about what she should gift her sensei tomorrow on his birthday.

Don't ask how she tried extracting this information from Guy. Even he answered after so many attempts but he was happy that his rival had someone who cared for kakashi so much.

She went straight to Kakashi's house. It was 8:00 pm now. She knocked on the door.

Kakashi opened the door and was bewildered to see Ikada standing there with some food.

"What brings you here at this hour?" He gave a tired look.

"I got you food. I thought it's been a while since we've talked. I kinda miss Naruto too so..."

"Fine get in." He looked annoyed

So they ate in silence until it was time for putting the dishes away.

"Sensei please I can clean them."

"It's my house. My rules." He basically ordered with his hoarse voice.

"But it's my treat so I'll help you."

While they were pulling dishes from each other's grip they accidently made a skin contact. Ikada wasn't wearing her gloves. She was in a casual attire. That was her mistake.

And then she was flooded with Kakashi's memories. She never intended to look into them unless he shared her himself. She believed in privacy as she herself never revealed her past to him. Infact to no one. This time her defect of accidently getting access to people's memory costed her a lot.

All the memories flooded in. His past. What he went through. How his dad committed suicide because of Ikada's father. How he lost his teammates. How he lost obito and got the sharingan. How he lost someone who loved him. Someone who even while dying repeated his name 'kakashi'. It was Rin. How he joined the anbu and how he lost his sensei soon after that. How he became ruthless and cold blooded and how he knew the importance of teamwork. How he started avoiding people and gatherings. How he always had nightmares and still has and how he always knows to smile.

Ikada clutched her head tightly as the now throbbing pain almost made her nauseous, muzzy and delirious because of all the memories that had flooded in.

Kakashi was quick to notice this. He kneeled down to her position as she was clutching her head and lying down twitching in pain.

"Ikada what's wrong?!" Kakashi was panicking

"Tell me Ikada!" Kakashi almost shouted. He lifted Ikada and placed her on the couch. Soon Ikada had gone unconscious. Kakahsi wasn't even sure about anything happening. Dammit.

It was after few hours that she woke up. As soon as she woke up the first thing she shouted was "Kakashi sensei!"

Kakashi jolted from his position and almost rushed to Ikada.

"Ikada what's wrong. Are you fine? What happened to you? Whats going on? Why do I always have to find you in trouble? What if I die one day?! Who's going to look after you?!"

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now