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"Ikada?" Naruto asked the nurse in a hurry with his feet tapping synchronically as if they wanted to flee him to somewhere urgently

"This patient has been discharged 3 hours ago." replied the nurse as she went through the sheets.

"Hein?" Naruto asked stupefied at the knowledge as his feet now seemed to come to an halt and his moving body stiffened. Naruto had always been this way. Changing abruptly.

He scurried out of the hospital with Kakashi in his mind as he was the last person who could possibly know about her whereabouts. While running he did't seize that he omitted Ikada who was positioned on a chair at Ichiruka's Ramen shop. But as he sensed to win back his ninja faculties he comprehended finally that he in fact denied someone's presence he was desperately looking for. Tracing back his steps he confronted his favorite Ramen shop. Drawing away the curtain he took a step inside and immediately recognised the distinct purple and bluish hair color with hints of black strands, starting straight but a little curled up at the edges. Who else in whole Konoha has such distinct hair? It definitely was Ikada. Without spending a second more, Naruto took a seat next to Ikada...

"Hello Ikada!" Naruto spoke with a wide grin and closed eyes, again almost looking like a cat.

When Ikada chose to look to his side, she did the unanticipated and unplanned. As soon as she saw his 'cat-seeming' face, she drew forth both of her hands, extending her arm towards Naruto, and her fingers softly grazed Naruto's cheeks and out of the blue she pinched Naruto's cheeks and pulled slightly and hummed " Cute " without any change of pronouncement or countenance.

"What?!" A red Naruto now asked almost bewildered at this gesture of Ikada.

"You're cute and when you smile like that you look almost like a cat with those whiskers of yours. And to state the fact I find cats extremely cute." Ikada again stated with a blank expression.

"'t be..." Naruto wasn't able to find the right words to utter from his mouth. The fact that he has never been called cute or received such a gesture left him utterly perplexed. To him Ikada seemed like an embodiment of warmth.

"Sorry if you don't like me doing this." Ikada stated with a slight bow.

"No Ikada, I..I mean no one has ever called me cute or acted this nice. You are in fact the first person to be doing so." Naruto said almost on the verge of sobbing.

"Is that so? I guess only few people have a good taste." this time Ikada gave her slight smile with hint of assurance in her words.

"Umm, you should smile wider and more often. You are beautiful Ikada." Naruto said with a slight tint of blush on his face.

"Thank you Naruto. I will keep that in mind. And no one has ever called me beautiful except my mom." Ikada said with a little smile. (Her mom? She did call her beautiful but not in the way ikada meant.)

Naruto didn't say anything to it cause he knew all the year in academy Ikada chose to stay aloof and never really approached anyone. And if anyone attempted or endeavoured ( particularly boys) she always had that blank face which made people think she is scary and doesn't need friends. No doubt when it came to skills, she was at the top of everyone. People thought she being older to all others put her at advantage but truth be told without any training how can someone be good at something no matter how of an adult is one?

"Oi Ikada, I forgot to ask how are you feeling?I learnt from Kakashi sensei that you were admitted. So are you alright now? and what are you doing at a ramen shop at this hour?"

"I'm very much fine Naruto and I'm here to eat of course." said Ikada with her head slightly tilting toward the direction of her ramen.

"That's right."

Both of them placed their orders.

"Are you a vegetarian Ikada?" Asked Naruto with his wide blue eyes which reflected genuine curiosity.

"Yes I am."

With that they began eating their bowls of ramen. After finishing Ikada paid for herself and Naruto.

"Ika-chan you didn't have to pay for me after all you are also a student like me." Said Naruto obviously embarrassed.

"Don't worry all these years I have been doing several jobs and I have enough money to survive and as per you, didn't you call me your friend? Can a friend not pay for her friend?" Ikada said and asked with a slight smile.

"Friend?" asked Naruto. He was too emotional at this point.

"Yes, you are the first person who came back again to me after calling me a friend. You are now my friend and I ain't losing you any time soon. Naruto."

"No, you are my best friend Ikada now." Naruto almost cried and engulfed Ikada in an emotional embrace. Ikada reciprocated by returning him his act.

Kakashi Hatake was going through the same path.

My my, what a cute sight. Never expected Ikada out of all the people to be calling Naruto her friend. Hatake thought to himself and chuckled slightly. "cute." he spoke only being audible to himself.

Entangled 1  (Kakashi x OC )Where stories live. Discover now