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"She's what?!"

Asked Kakashi a little taken aback. He didn't expect this. Of course not. He was now going to blame everything upon himself.

"She's in a state of comatose. Lack of oxygen reaching to the brain seems to be the cause. Although she does have a minor injury on head but it doesn't seem to be the cause."

Lady Tsunadae said as she read through her files.

"I see." Was all Kakashi could say. And exactly what could he say more? He was so used to hiding his emotions that it was almost impossible for him to show anymore reaction.

"How long do you think she'll be in this state?"

"That cannot be said. She was already in a bad condition when she was bought here. Her injury was too deep as if someone pressed onto it with a greater force from nearer. I wonder what led to this way. Not to mention her mark is already causing her so much trouble. Oh right, the mark....was it causing her pain even before she got injured?"

"I guess it was. But she never mentioned about it."
Damnit! Kakashi cursed under his breathe for not paying attention to that part. He should have checked about it. An old habit of blaming everything on himself.

Ikada was no better. She also hid things from him. When these two needed to share the most relevant things they decided to tolerate it all alone. Oh Kami. Love is really pointless at times. Worrying too much about someone and to that point where you decide not to share anything to your partner since it will only cause grief to the other one is so absurd. People should learn to share things when necessary instead of assuming everything on their own.

"The full moon is about to come after two days. But I don't think we'll be able to perform the sealing justsu under this condition. Although I believe she'll be out of it very soon. She doesn't have any head injuries. It can take days. It can take months. But she'll wake up kakashi. Don't worry."

"I do believe she will. As long as you're her doctor there's no doubt about it." Hatake

"And about the mission. Don't worry. You guys did a great job. You've already collected enough information. We just need to find the boss to make him reveal every single detail about this Organization. I've already dispatched a team in search of him. He couldn't have fled away any farther and since he is now out of men it'll be easier to capture him."

"I do hope this mission becomes a success. Ikada's last words while I brought her to the hospital were 'I want the mission to be a success' I can't let her down. I want to accompany too lady tsunade!"

"Don't be reckless kakashi! You're in a no better condition. Rest for a day or two then you'll be helping. I guess other nations will ask for help. Also if we capture the boss, through him, the information that we can get, we need to inform it to other other lands. This is gonna be a long work. You'll be helping but not now kakashi. You've done enough. Just rest for now."

"Who would've thought this mission to be so much more than just what we'd assumed? If it wasn't for Ikada's idea we wouldn't have got this far even."

"Yes you told me about it everything. She has grown up a lot. It must surely have been hard for her to do all that. She is brave. Braver than I knew..... Tusnadae




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