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"after party at mine" jenna shouts and hands out invitations like it's still highschool. she handed all the boys one and stopped when it came to me, "if she ain't coming we ain't" kairi says and all the boys nod, "don't worry olaf she's coming" jenna says and hands me a paper.

we pulled up after getting dressed, feel like i'm in highschool again. we entered and the smell bought back memories, but ofcourse before i went anywhere mattia told me what to do and what not to do, "don't do anything stupid, imma be back" he says and disappears with his boys to smoke probably. "is that vic" alejandro says, i nod and run over to her and taylor, "yussss" i squeal, we all take shots together.
i chilled with the girls and all the boys took off to smoke or something, i don't know. me and the girls were having the most fun, vic started twerking on some dude and i seen alejandro clench his jaw, "good luck" i say to vic as alejandro storms over to us and pulls vic away.
me and taylor were vibing alone when she decided to leave me for kairi, rude. alvaro and roshaun were fuck knows where and i was bored so i sat down and waited for mattia.
"didn't think you'd come" a dude says, "yeah" i laugh, it was the boys from earlier, "y'all gonna get me in trouble" i say and they frown, "why" one of them says, "well because my boyfriend don't trust y'all" i roll my eyes, "well you trust us so who cares" the other says, "i care man, i ain't trying to get y'all shot" i laugh, "fine we are just here to make sure nobody comes up to you" the other says making me laugh, "yeah yeah" i laugh. the four of them acted like dorks drawing too much attention to us, "we're the life of the party" one of them say, we danced and danced for the longest, nope i wasn't dancing on anyone. "i'm gonna look for mattia" i say getting worried because he hasn't come back, "cool we will come" one of the boys say and i nod.
we walked around looking for mattia, even all the bedrooms which i hoped he wasn't in. then i realised, "he's outside" i laugh and we all go outside. and yup he was, staring up at the stars. "baby" i say and mattia looks over to me, he's faded, ""who are they" mattia says and sits up, "my friends don't worry" i say and he frowns, "the ones i don't like" mattia says, "yes" i laugh,  "don't worry bro just making sure she's good, we'll leave now" one of them say, they hug me and leave.  "i didn't do anything with them i promise" i say, "i know, come lie down with me" he says, "sure" i say.
we watched the stars till mattia came down from his high, "ok let's go find the others" mattia says and we get up.
we got lazy and stopped looking, "let's play a game" jenna says and drags me and mattia to a circle, "we're good" mattia says, "nope everyone's playing so sit" she says, we rolled our eyes and sat down. she trying to recreate highschool or sumn.
true or dare went around and it finally came to mattia, he chose dare which was obviously a set up because jennas friend would be giving it, "7 minutes in heaven with.... jenna" she smirks and jenna acts surprised. mattia looked at me and i shrugged, "go ahead" i say and he kisses me before getting locked in a room with her. i trust he won't do anything with her, but i don't trust her.
2 minutes went by, then 5minutes then finally 7. we went to the door and i heard moaning, my heart sank and i felt my arm get tugged. it was taylor and vic, jennas friend pushed through the door and there jenna and mattia was in bed still going at it. i looked one last time before leaving with the girls.
on the way out we saw the boys who had no idea what had just happened, "where y'all going" kairi says, i now had tears rolling down my cheek and they noticed. "what happened" alejandro says, "have a look for yourself" i smile and look upstairs where all the cheering and clapping was happening. they rushed upstairs and me and the girls rushed out the house.
we stopped to get food and just ate till we dropped, vic and taylor kept talking to me about leaving him and trust me i will be. he's done nothing but lie and cheat.
we went for a drive just to get my mind of things, and it was working because i get a little better. we chilled for a bit and made jokes and all that, these girls know how to cheer me up.
we booked into a hotel, and it was 4 in the morning and we still had so much energy. i'm glad they didn't kick us out because we would have nowhere else to go.
we got in the room and plopped on the beds, i turned on my phone and saw messages and calls from all the boys even mattia. the girls told me block him and so i did. but the boys continued to message in his behalf, so what did i do?. i blocked them too. i don't know why they are defending him, he literally cheated.

a/n: chile i'm sick of this mf

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