Chapter 2: Somethings Wrong with Bakugo

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Todorokis P.O.V

Bakugo is been acting strange lately, he thinks that I don't notice but I do. The incident this morning only helps to better prove my theory.

After bakugo yelled at us most of the class shrugged it off as normal bakugou behavior but me , kirishima and midoriya didn't think so.

"S-so we all agree t-there's something seriously wrong with kacchan?"

"Yeah.. I've never seen bakubro look so tired before .. and he never stutters .."

I nodded. "Yes I agree his behavior is unlike him any of you know if anything's happened recently that could result in bakugo behavior and clear lack of sleep?" I asked them both with a frown set on my face.

"W-well he h-has been more distant l-lately ..I-if somethings happened he w-would most likely keep it to himself" midoriya stuttered out, a look of worry spreading across his face.

"I haven't heard anything though he hasn't really wanted to hang out with me or the rest of the bakusquad lately, but I brushed it off as bakugo being bakugo.." Kirishima muttered, drooping his shoulders.

"Maybe y-you should talk to him... s-since it was your idea?"

"Maybe..I'll confront him before class since he's most likely already there."I stood up From my position on the couch, the others following suit.

"Okay – I hope bakubros okay though ..I've never seen him look so tired before"

"Y-Yeah" the Green headed boy responded. I was still unsure what could be the cause of bakugos sudden change but I would figure it out , something must be seriously wrong for him to act like that.

"I'll head to class- I'll let you know if I find anything out" I muttered in a montone voice as I headed towards the dorm entrance , backpack slung over my shoulder.

The hallways were quiet as it was still early. I enjoyed the silence. I don't know why I was so worried about the explosive boy but I felt as though something was terribly wrong ,I just couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was. I sighed , the sound filling the empty hallway for a brief moment.

As My home room class slowly came Into view. I noticed the door was wide open most likely hinting that someone had already entered.

walking into the room silently, I noticed bakugous hunched form. He seemed to be asleep as he didn't immidately perk up and yell at me for "bothering" him.

I didn't know why but I walked closer to the sleeping boy , noticing his shallow breaths and heavy bags under his closed eyes. He looked exhausted even when he was sleeping.

I frowned at this fact and decided to leave him be. He's going to kill me if I wake him up. I walked over to my seat that was located in the back of the classroom directly behind bakugo.slipping my backpack over the back of my chair and staring at the clock that was located in the back of the room. There were about 15 minutes left until people would start arriving , bakugo was usually the only one that came early, for being such a delinquent he was surprisingly punctual and had never been late to a class , though you wouldn't guess from looking at him he also had an incredible intellect. That worried me in this situation as bakugo wasn't stupid , If something was wrong he mostly likely would try to hide it until he finally slipped up. It made me even more concerned that this was a possibility as I had no idea how long this had been going on, he could have been like this for months before hand or even years, he wasn't exactly the type of guy to open up to people.

I suddenly heard a slight movement coming from the sleeping blond. He seemed almost panicked. I stood up from my seat and rushed over to his now shaking form.

"Bakugo...are you alright ...?" I shook him , attempting to snap him out of whatever was going on. It seemed to do the trick as his crimson eyes shot open, widening in fear.


"Tch w-what do you want icy-hot" he mumbled , his voice cracked at the beginning and his words betrayed his expression which was that of pure fear.

"Are you okay ...?"I asked him, expecting him to yell at me for invading his privacy or somethings along those lines.

"Don't worry about half in' half and mind your own damn business" I heard him growl, turning away from me with a grunt and lowering his shoulders.

"Okay..." I walked back to my seat, glancing back over at him. He must have noticed as he let out a string of curses under his breath as I sat back in my seat.

By this time the rest of class 1-A was starting to shuffle in , It was bright outside. They mainly ignored  me and bakugou who had his legs propped up on the desk and head phones once again crammed in his ears.

Kirishima and midoriya walked over to me once they arrived , crowding around my desk.

"D-did you talk to him?" I gave a nod in response, casting my gaze back to the ash blond.

"I did .. he was sleeping when he arrived, I assume that he had a nightmare since he began shaking... I woke him up and asked him what was wrong but he just shut down my question and ignored me " I explained , my bored expression never leaving my face.

"I hope he's okay .. maybe it was caused by what happened at kamino." Kirishima commented.

I nodded." It's definitely possible as he never really told us what happened, and hes been growing more distant post the incident.."

"Yeah .. I hope he is okay .." the red head mumbled , glancing worrily at the once again sleeping blond.

The door suddenly flung open as are teacher , Mr.aizawa, walked into the classroom. Everyone quickly took there seats as he made his way to the front of the classroom. I noticed that Bakugo flinched at the sound, quickly shoving his head phones into his pockets.

"Hello problem we will be having a sparing match against class 1-B as a chance to better expand on others quirks, it will take place during hero training and you will be paired up randomly. Keep in mind you might get paired with someone from the other class so don't complain to me if you can't get along with them." He paused, giving us all a bored glance.

"Also in a couple days we will be having a mental health lesson , as a result of the kamino incident , someone thought it would be a good idea" he grumbled the last part under his breath. "So be prepared... anyways did everyone do the homework I assigned yesterday" I noted a couple peoples faces paled at his words , Including bakugous. That's weird he always does his homework.

"Anyways if you did it then please place it up front .. and you have a free period today I'm going to take a nap." With that he zipped up his yellow sleeping bag and collapsed on the floor.

Everyone shuffled through there backpacks , some remaining motionless as they knew they hadn't completed it. I frowned and grabbed my homework from its place in my backpack, standing up and walking to the front of the class. I stopped when I reached bakugos desk , trying to look at him, and finding him already glaring at me.

"Keep it movin' Canadian flag" her growled at me.

" did you complete your homework, I didn't see you turn it in" I asked him with a serious expression .His face pale at my question.

"I-uh of course I did you damn icy-hot I just forgot it in my dorm ..tch just mind your own damn business" he yelled at me though it sounded almost forced.

I simply nodded." Okay .." I muttered letting a look of worry cross my face at his blatantly unmotivated voice. I continued waking to the front of the class room , dropping it Into the growing pile of papers stacked on Aizawa senseis desk.Then turning back around and walking to my seat.

I needed to figure out what was wrong with bakugo, he never acted like this , this is my only chance to expose his issues ,when he has his guard down. He had slipped up and I was going to crack that thick mask he put up.

A/n: so sorry for another authors note but I apologize for the clichè in this chapter I've read way to many fics like this and decided to mash them all together but don't worry it's not going to play out like normal

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