Chapter 14: Strike the match

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Tw: panic attack

Todorokis P.O.V

After a begrudgingly long English class I was ready to be done with the school day .You couldn't really tell as I had on an emotionless expression but, I was counting the seconds on the clock until we were aloud to leave the confines of the class.

Present mic had went on a 45 minute lecture about how to analyze historical documents and was giving us the last ten minutes to socialize or talk, the whole bakusquad, minus bakugo and Kirishima were conversing in a large cluster in the corner of the room while others such as iida or midoriya were checking over there notes to make sure they had recorded everything. Even though I was particularly fond of note taking I barely jotted down a single word on the paper that lay in front of me.

My mind kept drifting back to thoughts about the situation with bakugo, he needed help, that much was clear but he was refusing to get it despite having so many issues. I needed to get him to admit something and the only way I can get on that path is by talking with Midoriya, only he would know why bakugo saw him try to kill himself by jumping off a roof in his vision. Once I figured that out I could begin to break down the tough walls he put around himself that rivaled even mine.

Suddenly the bell rang throughout the campus , signaling the end of the school day. I sighed and reached for my backpack, slinging it around my shoulder. My eyes darted to Midoriya as I watched him pack up his things. I needed to catch him before he took off.

"Hey midoriya..!" I yelled out to him. His head turned in my direction, displaying one of his signature smiles.

"I-uh can I talk to you for a minute.." I leaned in and whisper "it's about bakugo-". His wide smile faded and he gives a nod.

"L-lets go back to the dorms" he mumbled as he finished collecting his things. I nodded and began to walk out the door once I saw that he was all packed up.

We walked in silence down the bustling hallway, careful not to bump into anyone as the hallways were swarming with students.

I could have sworn I saw kirishima walking with another green haired boy but it could have been just my imagination. I was pretty tired.

Once we arrived at the dorm entrance I opened the door for midoriya and walked in after him, heading in the direction of my room.

I opened to door and walked into my room. It was plane with nothing really hung up on the walls, my closet was simple and consisted of normal outfits and a couple school uniforms. My bed was nearly made and my bathroom door was shut. I sat down on the bed, slightly ruffling the covers while motioning for midoriya to come in and close the door behind him.

He shut the door and sat down in a bean bag that had been given to me by someone though I could never remember who.

       "...S-so...what was it you were wondering." He began to fidget with a loose thread on his uniform, he definitely wasn't telling us something relating to bakugo.

     "Well..let's start off with this you were childhood friends with bakugo..right?" I asked him.

     "Yeah..well you could say that we uh.." he seemed to be debating what to say before finishing his sentence. "Never really got along that w-well .. we kinda drifted apart once we went to m-middle school..." I noted that he had started stuttering which I could only assume meant that he was lying.

     "Midoriya please tell me ..Listen I shouldn't tell you this but bakugo saw you in his vision caused by Teko, he saw you jumping off a roof.." I whispered.

      "H-he what..?!" Midoriya gasped , I saw tears prick his eyes.

       "H-hes still beating himself up about that" I heard him mumble to himself.

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