Chapter 29: Keeping up with the leauge of villans

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A/n: this is just a special chapter to sorta explain the villains over all plan and goal which I'm still trying to piece  together. (It will take place back when the bakusquad went to the mall)

Dabis P.O.V

Bakugo scares to easily.

All it took was my presence and he was shaking like a leaf.

I had been sent to scout out exactly how difficult it would be to to kidnap the explosive kid but I could resist taunting him for a bit, from what I could infer it's not like he would tell anyone.

        "Kurogiri warp me back .." I muttered as I walked away from the table.

A small purple portal appeared in front of me and I slipped through it before anyone could even blink.

      "What took you so long Dabi you were just suppose to observe.." Kurogiri asked.

       "Chill i was only having some fun it's not like I ruined your plan or anything.." I rolled my eyes and walked over to the bar that was located in are makeshift kitchen.

"So..what's did you scout out or did you dit h your real job to taunt the kid.." shigaraki muttered in annoyance.

"Calm down ..The kid should be a piece of cake to kidnap.." I huffed and poured myself a glass of some sort of alcohol.

"I did better than your entire scouting mission with twice and toga..heh talk about a bust you nearly got caught duplicating that all-might loving kid..not to mention the close call with that floaty really should trust me with more you act like I get distracted easily.." I monologued, the look on there faces was priceless , shigi looked like he was about to use his quirk on me and kurogiri just looked annoyed , though I couldn't really tell as his makeshift face didn't really have eye brows.

"You guys should see your faces right now.." I chuckled and drowned the whole glass that I had poured.

"Permission to kill someone.." I heard shigraki grumble.

"Hey I'm not the one who F**ked up the whole kidnapping thing the first time and let him see something he should have..your lucky he suppressed whatever memories he's had here or we would be in a world of trouble right now..I bought you time you should be thanking me.." I remarked with a smirk. I enjoyed making him mad.

"Ooo~ dabi-kun your back..!" Toga yelled as she strolled into the common area with a smile on her face.

(A/n: Toga keeps autocorrecting to yoga so I apologize if that happens again)

I rolled my eyes as she took a seat next to me.

       "Did you scare the explosive guy hmm..?I enjoyed the time he spent here please tell me he's coming back..!" She hopped up and down excitedly.

        "Yeah..someone here messed up so we have to bring him here and keep his quiet until the plan is finally ready.." I glared at shigaraki while I said this, causing him to scoff and cross his arms in annoyance.

         "Oh shut up Dabi if you hadn't gone over board with the boy he wouldn't have seen anything and we could go on with are lives.." he Disputed, slamming his hand down on the table.

This caused me to flinch slightly but I pretended to not be effected by it.

        "Whatever.." I grumbled, swallowing another glass of whatever alcohol I had grabbed from the wine shelf.

       "Well if you losers need me I'll be drinking until I'm numb.." I muttered , slowly standing up from the chair and already feeling a little bit tipsy.

       "Oh no you don't your staying here and we are going over the plan again since clearly you can't be bothered to Remember.." Kurogiri grumbled.

I let out a string of curse words but shoved my chair backwards and stood up.

        "Fine let's go over your dumb plan.. your to concerned about this kid he's not going to remember you should have seen what he looked like at the mere sight of me , the guy was shaking, heh and he's suppose to be one of class 1-A's strongest ..if he's this easy to break we can definitely take the rest of them down.." I chuckled and glares at them as annoyance once again bubbled to the surface.

     "Stop bragging and get over here scar head.." Shigi spit out, motioning for me to follow.

       "Whatever makes you feel better I suppose~!" I said with a wink.

He scoffed and quickly turned away as he made his way into the other room.

I giggled like a four year old but quickly stopped myself before the others heard. I loved teasing him, it was one of my favorite hobbies along with beating up fake hero's and stomping on kids dreams.

I reluctantly walked into the room they were all gathered in and saw shigi talking to them.

      "You couldn't wait five seconds for me to walk into the room..?" I yelled.

      "Shut and pay attention.." he growled. I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time but sat down, crossing my arms.

The goal of are overall plan was to steal others quirks and use them as our own, we were building a machine that had the ability to suck up someone's quirk through a long and painful process if we could get them to sit still, them we would collect it in the form of a gun or blaster which allowed us to then use the quirk whenever we wanted, we couldn't let anyone figure it out though as if they did it wouldn't take long for them to find it and destroy it, we were in the phase of making the machine more convient and easier to use. We were almost done with the final product but until then we had to tie up and loose ends such as Bakugo Who when I was torturing had seem a glimpse of the machine. I still found the task to be quiet pointless as by the time the kid remembered he would be to late so there was no point in bringing his back. They were all paranoid about some high school student which I found quiet amusing to say the least.

       "Dabi are you even listening.." I heard shigis voice.

      "Sure..lets go with yes" I said sarcastically.

      "Ugh your so annoying.." he grumbled.

       "You know you love me " I smirked.

       "Shut up.." he groaned and went back to talking.

The plan would be set in motion soon and the kid would be back in are clutches, we would finish the machine and then we would be the ones in control.

———————————————————————————A/n: this chapters a bit shorter since I didn't have to much to say I just wanted to explain some things, sorry if dabis a bit out of character , the next chapter will either be posted tonight or tomorrow though I'm betting on tomorrow.

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