Chapter 15: Getting louder

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A/n: image above is just some random art I made it looked like Teko a bit so I went with it though it had nothing to do with this chapter

Tw: panic attack

Bakugos P.O.V

Those damn extras, I can hear them whispering. It's surrounding me and filling me a sense of dread.

There talking about you

A voice in the back of my head taunted. I ignored it and tried to focus on what I was doing, making dinner. But the thoughts wouldn't go away, I couldn't help but flinch every time they giggled, or hang my head low when they went quiet.

"Get your head in the game" I mumbled to myself with a scowl. I couldn't freak out now , not in front of them. Who knew this damn day would be so bad.

"Are you okay blasty your mumbling to yourself..?" Mina asked.

I flinched at her question but nodded my head slowly, not trusting myself to talk. The thoughts were only getting louder.

Suddenly todoroki came Into view. He looked pis*ed to say the least.

"Bakugo..!" I heard him yell. I froze dead in my tracks and turned to face him. Whatever I had done to make him mad I probably deserved it, I was a monster.

"Tch what did you want half n' half can't you see I'm busy making some damn dinner" I muttered, desperate to keep up my persona - and not let the thoughts win.

"Did you or did you not tell midoriya to take a swan dive off the roof" he asked in a serious tone, I had never heard his voice hold that much weight before, it gave me chills.

"That damn nerd" I mumbled, feeling tears prick my eyes. Why did he have to bring that up.. to make fun of how weak I was , how stupid I was , taking out my problems on others, it was better now. Now that I kept them to myself. No one important got hurt, that was all that mattered in the end. Hero's made the world go round, if one weakling suffered who cares. No one did. No one would.

       "Is this true bakugo..?" Minas voice rang through my head.

"Tch.. so what if it is.." I mumbled.

I suddenly heard todoroki explode , yelling something about how much of a monster I was. The only thing on my mind though was the flames, the bright , blinding , burning flames.

No.. no no no...not again this wasn't happening, I was safe I was safe, no one was suppose to know anything, no one no no the thoughts were racing through my brain , one word that never worked. I pleaded , begged, hoping that somehow that word would protect me. But no one listens, no one listens.

The flames clouded my vision, my legs buckled. I was backed into a wall, falling to my knees as my limbs seemed to cease function. The thoughts only got louder.

No No No No No No No STOP.. No ..the voices there louder there winning all I can think about is the flames the smell of burning flesh , the agonizing pain and torment. I should be used to it but I'm weak I'm weak I'm so weak I don't deserve to be here I can't be here I need to leave they'll know I'm weak but I can't move I'm stuck to the floor, trapped inside my own head and running out of oxygen.

       "P-please no... please" I pleaded, slowly moving my arms to cover my ears. I could barely register the wetness that leaked down my cheek.

Your weak


Waste of space


I'm a monster I can breath but my lungs won't function all I can see is smoke , the fire the pain... the pain it's spreading until my body is throbbing in agony, I'm shaking , I can't escape.

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