Chapter 30: The boy in bandages

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A/n: btw this art isn't about something in the chapter it's just some random art and i needed a cover for this chapter.

Tw: Panic attack and slight mentions of self harm(not explicitly mentioned)

Also I'm sorry if there's any grammatical errors I haven't proof read this yet

Kirishima P.O.V

He's finally come back to class.

His body is covered in thick white bandages that lined his arms and chest. But he seems unbothered by them, the sight broke my heart.

      "Bakubro..!" I grinned stupidly towards him.

       "What happened to bakugo..?"

"Why does he have so many bandages..?"

"Wait are those because of the bruises..?"

The rest of the class began to whisper as I ran towards him.

        "Tch..what do you want weird hair.." he muttered, at this point I didn't care and I gave him a hug. Surprisingly he didn't shove me away but hugged back shly, most likely since the whole class was watching the exchange.

        "What are you damn extras looking at..!" He hissed out.

       "Are you okay Bakugo..? What happened to you..?" Urakaka asked.

       "I-it's none of your concern..stop pretending like you care.." he muttered before slowly making his way to his seat and leaning back against the flimsy back of the chair.

Present mic continued to teach the class soon after, most like already being informed on what had happened to bakugo.As the rest of the class whispered amongst each
other for a moment before looking back up to the front of the class.

I glanced over at bakugo for another second but quickly averted my gaze as he had noticed my staring. I would have to talk to him after class.

The rest of the class passed by in a blur and by the time the bell rung I was bustling with anxious energy that had been slowly surfacing through out the day.

Luckily there we had hero training after we completed all of are core classes for the day.

"Hey Bakugo do you want to walk to hero training with me..?" I asked him.

"Tch..whatever.." he muttered and we began walking next to each other in the crowded hallways.

"Are you alright Bakugo..what happened to you..?does this have to do with the brusies I saw last weekend..?" I asked him, trying to pretend I was clueless, he wouldn't be very happy if he figured out that Todorki hadn't kept things to himself.

      "None of your business..." he grumbled.

      "Bakugo..I know that's not true promised you would talk to me today..I just want to help you..please" I begged him.

     "Tch..F-fine if you want to know so badly meet me in my dorm after lights out." He whispered, slamming open the door to the locker room.

     "What the f**k are you extras staring at.." he yelled as we made are way to are lockers.

His personality seemed to be in full swing now, if you hadn't seen him before you wouldn't even notice a change in his behavior.

That's what made the situation so dangerous.

       "Are you going to change or just stare at your locker sh***y hair..?" Bakugo questioned, his voice was surprisingly calm.

     "Ah...sorry.." I rubbed the nape of my neck and blushed out of embarrassment.

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