Chapter 26: True love and white lies

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Kirishimas P.O.V

Bakugos seriously worrying me.

He looks so frail now.

His eyes are filled with sadness.

He looks terrified.

I don't know what to do, he won't tell me what's wrong.

I had handed him some of my food and forced him to eat it but he looked like he was going to be sick after just a couple bites.

After that he stayed quiet until we were all done with are food.

      "That was gooood" Mina grinned as she tossed her food in a near by trash can.

      "Yeahhh.. im stuffed.." Denki commented while clutching his stomach.

     "Mhm.." I heard bakugo grunt.

     "Where should we go next ...?"  Sero asked while cleaning up his food wrappers.

    "How about we go to the arcade ...?" I suggested.

      "Yessss good idea..!" Mina yelled before standing up and waiting for us to follow.

     "Come on bakugo.." I tapped him on the shoulder as he seemed to be lost in thought. He flinched and looked up at me.

     "Come on we are going to the arcade..!" I grinned.

He let out a quiet "Tch" and slowly sat up from his place hunched over on the metal chair.

We walked to the arcade in a couple of minutes, exchanging meaningless chit-chat.

The arcade was packed with high schoolers and a couple parents who were most likely watching there younger kids. The flashing lights and sounds feeling overwhelming at first.

"Come on denki let's go play some dance dance revolution ..I'm going to smoke you ..." Sero chuckled and he and denki began walking in that direction.

"Well I guess we're splitting up, what do you want to do bakubro..?" Bakugo seemed to snap out of his thoughts and turned to stare at me.

"I don't care sh***y hair just pick something.." he muttered.

"Hey my hairs not much different than yours..!" I yelled defensively.

"Tch..whatever.." he grumbled.

"Let's go play some Mario cart..!" Mina suggested.

"Okay lets go.."

We walked over to the machine and began playing, Mina kept beating both me and bakugo before I pulled ahead and finally won a race, by the time we were on are fourth race denki and sero walked back over to us looking exhausted.

      "Fine you beat me fair and square.." denki grumbled as sero smiled.

      "You guys are still playing Mario cart.." Denki whinnied while trying to catch his breath.

     "Yes now shush I'm about to smoke kiri again.." Mina snapped though it wasn't harsh.

    "NO....!" I yelled as Mina passed me again just as I was about to reach the finish.

     "I win again .." she smirked and stood up.

     "You guys wanna play..?" She asked them.

    "Yeah sure ..!."

     "Hey bakugo you wanna do something else if I play again I'm just going to get beaten.." I chuckled and awaited his response.

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