Chapter 34: I'm scared |I'm worried

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Tw: mentions of abuse

Also I'm sorry I haven't read this over for grammar I'm lazy , I'll get around to it tomorrow

Kirishimas P.O.V

She finally got called out.

It broke my heart to see the weight of his so called mothers words on him, he looked like he truly believed everything she had said, like he had just accepted it.

I wanted to run up to the shaking boy and comfort him , make sure he knew that everything was going to be okay, but I felt frozen as she screamed at him, as she slapped him across the face.

They led us all out of the gym soon after, I numbly followed behind my parents who were whispering amongst themselves about the scene they had just witnessed.

How could she do that to him. How dare she.

As soon as we left the room some of the bakusquad crowded around me with looks of concern in there eyes.

"Did you know.." Mina asked, I noticed tears forming in her eyes.

"He told me that something was going on at home but I-I didn't know it was that bad.." I responded in a mere whisper, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

"I wish he had told us.." Sero said, hanging his head low.

     "Yeah I didn't know he was going through all that ..he hid it well.." Denki commented.

     "What should we do about it now that we know.." sero asked.

      "We should support him the best we can..all we can do is be there for him.." I said with determination in my voice.

"Your right.." They all nodded in agreement.

As soon as we said that I noticed todoroki walking up to us.

"Todoroki..?" I questioned.

He wore a somber expression on his face and he looked disheveled, most likely from his recent spar with Bakugo.

"I- need to speak with you for a second.." he said in between breaths which was out of character for him.

"Okay.. I'll catch up with you guys later can you tell my parents I had to grab something from my locker..?" I asked as todoroki led me away.

"What is it..?" I questioned.

"Listen we have another problem.." he said in a panicked voice.


He took a deep breath and stared at me with his now expressionless face, saying words that made fear course through my veins.

"The villains are here..there here for him.."

—A/n: so I've never switched point of views mid chapter but I didn't want to end it this quickly so hopefully it works.

Bakugos P.O.V

My chest is on fire, along with my legs.

My eyes are shut tightly , I'm in the void between being awake and being consumed by nightmares. Neither sound like the best option at the moment

Voices are echoing around me as I'm set down on a bed. It's soft and comforting, I just want to curl up in it and never have to face anything else, I'm to tired, I'm done with everything.

      "-kugo..Bakugo please wake up.." A voice echoed after a moment of silence.

I forced my eyes open to see some of the teachers staring at me.

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