Chapter 35: Kidnappings and how not to handle them

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A/n: sorry for the bad editing job in the image above

Todorokis P.O.V

Something was off.

After Bakugo was taken away by the teachers we were told to show are parents around the school, It went normal at first but I soon saw that a figure was following us. At first I thought it was just my imagination as no one else seemed to notice but Whoever it was didn't want to be seen, I had now noticed them multiple times , always peeking out from behind something as if they were observing us.

I tried to ignore it but the feeling didn't leave. My sucpicous where confirmed When I turned around the next time. I caught a glimpse of blond hair as they darted behind something.


Panic set in and quickly ran to the closet group of people which just so happened to be the bakusuqad.
I noticed Kirishima was talking to all of them with a worried look on his face so I quickly ran up to him, tapping him on the shoulder .

"I need to talk to you.." I said as I glanced behind me. There was no doubt in my mind that they were here for something, what that was I could only guess.

"What is it..?" He asked me.

I took a deep breath as I tried to collect my thoughts, what were they here for they wouldn't attack the school for no reason as it would be to risky, they had just amped up security to make sure nothing like that ever happened again so if they did come here it must have been something they needed badly. The only thing they might want would have to be something ..or someone that would interfere with there plans. That was it. They were here for a certain individual who must have seen something during his imprisonment.

"The villains ..there here..I think there here for him.." I said as I attempted to make my face betrayal once more

"Bakugo..?" He asked me with worry flooding his features. I was surprised he believed me so suddenly I thought the idea was pretty out there.

"I saw toga-" I started to explain to him but my words were interrupted by the ground shaking, and the sound of screams coming from outside the building.

"Sh*t.." I heard Kirishima curse. He never cursed he must really be mad, though I don't blame him I wasn't going to let them get him either.

"Let's go we need to make sure Bakugos okay.." he said with a determined expression on his face which rivaled even midoryas.

Just then a voice came from outside , echoing across the campus somehow.

      "Listen up b*tches.. bring us Bakugo and we won't hurt your school.." shigarakis voice said in a bored tone. He got right to the point.

      "We need to go .." I yelled over the screams as we both raced through the hallways and towards the infirmary, the last place were we had seen Bakugo.

Once we got there I saw both Mr.Aizawai and Present Mic whispering to each other, Bakugo was no where in sight.

      "Where Bakugo..!?" Kirishima yelled in between breaths, he looked extremely scared and angry at the same time, he cared deeply about Bakugo. I could tell just by the way he was acting.

      "Listen I promise they aren't taking him again we need to play this carefully, he's with midnight so he should be safe but we need to keep him away from them.." Mr.Aizawa  said , a hint of worry in his tone.

      "Take me to him.." Kirishima yelled , his worries clearly not being out to rest.

"We need to trust that midnight can protect him the less people that know where he is the better-" He explained.

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