Chapter 5: Unwanted attention leads to unlikely redemption

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Bakugos P.O.V

-a couple minutes earlier-

After icy-hot and weird hair left I slumped back down against the wall, feeling utterly useless. Just then my phone began to buzz. I picked it up and glanced at who was calling.

It was my mother.

My eyes subconsciously widen but I clicked the answer button and shakily put the phone up to my ear.

       "Hello...?" I whispered.

       "DON'T HELLO ME YOU BRAT" I heard her say on the other end of the line

       "S-sorry.." I replied, my body starting to Involuntarily shake.


    "HOW COULD YOU GET SUCH A LOW GRADE ON THAT TEST , WHY DIDN'T YOU STUDY.." her voice seemed to be getting increasingly louder on the other end of the receiver. I pictured what I had done the night before the test, I had been in a depressing stupor and didn't feel like doing anything except laying there and contemplating why I existed , I had known that I would pay for that though.

     "I-I'm sorry mother I forgot study for it.." I replied in a small voice. Knowing what was coming

     "Well you know what this means , your coming home this weekend brat maybe you'll learn your lesson this time" she replied in a threatening tone , her shouting reduced to normal volume that was somehow scarier

   "Yes mother.." I replied as I heard her hang up on the other end. I stood there shaking for a moment before putting my phone back into my pocket and trudging towards the door. I only had two more days of safety until I was back in her mercy. Why was I still just taking this. No I deserved it.

Suddenly the bell began to ring causing me to flinch violently. I quickly rushed  down the stairs and towards the locker rooms for hero training, maybe fighting someone would help me blow off some steam and forget about my problems.

I burst through the locker rooms double doors to find everyone staring at me, I tried to shrug it off but it made me extremely nervous. My eyes began to dart around but stopped on kiri as he began to speak.

     "Sup bakubro..!" He called putting to me , with a giant smile on his face.

      "Hey weird hair" I responded while walking towards my locker. I heard him try to retort his nickname I gave him but I barely registered it and tunned everyone else out.

       When I reached my locker ,I stood there awkwardly as everyone else began to change.

I never changed in front of anyone as then they would see the scars and various bruises that littered my body from the  kidnapping... my own mother, and even a couple from myself. I felt myself getting teary eyed at the thoughts of my kidnapping, I had tried to block them out , eventually suppressing them enough to try to forget what happened but lately the thoughts had been resurfacing more frequently.

     "Are you going to change..?" I heard a voice from behind me ask. I flinched and slowly turned around to find todoroki staring at me with a dull expression.

   "Tch..of course I'm just waiting for you extras to finish" I mumbled , feeling my heart rate increase and hoping he wouldn't push the topic as I was in no mood to explain anything to anyone, I could handle everything myself it wasn't anyone else's business what went on in my life and even if they did know it would change anything.

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