Chapter 20: Sweet dreams and class gossip

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A/n: we got a rare image of bakugo smiling

Kirishimas P.O.V

Bakugo fell asleep almost as soon as recovery girl worked her magic. He looked so peaceful and calm, it made my heart ach to know how badly he was hurting to have to do this to himself to relieve the pain he felt.

"When will he wake up..?" I asked recovery girl. Trying to keep myself from sobbing.

"He should wake up in about an hour I'll be sure to tell him where to go ... but for now you should head back to class sweetie.." she said in a sincere tone. Glancing back at Bakugos sleeping figure with a look of pity.

"He should really tell someone...I'm going to have to call his parents if he ends up in here again..please keep him safe" she says with a serious tone while still keeping up her nice personality.

"I know... I'll do my best ..please make sure he's okay ..I can't stand seeing him hurt, I won't let it happen again."

"Thats Good dearie you seem to care a lot about him and I can tell he cares about you as well.... an awful lot"she commented giving me a hunting glance.

"W-What no... it's not like that..! we are just friends he would never think of me that way anyways ..!" I rambled feeling my face heat up.

"Whatever you say dearie I will keep him here until he wakes up" she let out a laugh before shooing me out of her office and closing the door behind me.

I let out a sigh and began to make my way to my math class which was taught by ectoplasma.

I internally cringed at how badly I didn't want to go, my head was clouded with thoughts about bakugo and what I had just discovered, I couldn't just shove those to the side and learn how to partition on a graph.

It broke my heart when I found out what bakugo had done, I couldn't stand seeing him look so broken as he sobbed into my chest. What had caused this major shift in character, it could have been when he was kidnapped by the villains but it seemed to go deeper than that, there had to be something that I was missing. I had a sneaking suspicion that there was still a lot of things he wasn't telling me

He needed help and , I would help him. I wouldnt let anyone else hurt him again, including his own demons that were telling him all those lies.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I nearly bumped Into the door that led to my math class. Ectoplasmas voice rang through the door and I heard the class groan.

I placed a small smile on my face and opened the door, attempting to pretend like I hadn't just seen my best friend have a breakdown.

"Kirishima ..? Why are you late.. and where's bakugo.. I thought he would be with you..?" He asked , seeming to be in the middle of a lesson.

"I..well we ..I Uh.." I felt a head of sweat drip down my forehead, I should of at least thought up a believable excuse as bakugo probably wouldn't want me to tell the class be was passed out in the nurses office.

"I forgot my homework and bakugo was helping me but then he got a personal phone call and had to take it..M'not sure when he'll be back" I mumbled hoping the excuse was believable.

"I see well please take a seat and I will collect your homework at the end of class." I gave a nod and turned towards the class, they all stared at me with looks of confusion and worry, I tried to ignore the stares and wondered if this was how bakugo felt.

I took my seat and took out a sheet of paper to take notes on a subject that was the last thing on my mind.

The class passed slowly, I tried my best to focus on writing down what was on the bored but my mind was racing with other thoughts, trying to piece together what happened to bakugo and how I could help him, I must have zoned out for most of the class as I was brought back to reality by ectoplasma tapping me on the shoulder.

I jumped and looked up, the whole class was staring at me and I looked down to see I had barely written anything.

"Pay attention to this it will be on the test on Monday.." he said before walking back up towards the front of the class.

For the rest of math I pushed back all of the thoughts that I had and just focused on the task at hand which was harder to do than I thought , by the time the bell rung I was ready to leave the confines of my seat.

"Make sure to study this weekend ..and Kirishima stay behind." He called out to the class as they flooded through the door.

I walked up to the front of the class , clutching my back pack strap as if my life depended on it.

"Kirishima what really happened to bakugo .. I heard he went to the nurses office.." he asked me with a concerned look on her face.

"Uh nothing just an accident with fire nothing major ..I forced him to go since he was to stubborn to actually take care of his injury." I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

"I see...well make sure he studies for the test on Monday .."

"Okay..! Oh and here's my homework."I passed the paper to him and darted out the door to my next class which happened to be hero training.

"Hey Kirishima..!" I heard Denki call out to me, I turned to see the entir bakusquad ,minus bakugo, standing in the hallway.

"Hey.." I muttered , feeling my posture shrink done in defeat.

"What happened to bakugo... with what happend yesterday I'm really worried.." Sero asked with a somber expression on his face.

" well some events occurred and hes in the nurses office , hes okay though he just passed out from exhaustion after he was healed.. turns out he burned himself pretty badly when he was cooking." I chuckled nervously hoping none of them would see through my shallow lie.

"Oh.. well I hope he feels better ... he was supposed to fight today in hero training" Mina gave a smile while having a fake angry expression on her face.

I let out a hollow chuckle and we all walked to the locker rooms in an awkward silence that was occasionally interrupted by Denki and sero whispering to each other.

We arrived and quickly changed into are gym uniforms before walking to the arena in a panic as everyone else was already there.

Once we reached the arenas, Mina shoved the door open to the gym and we joined the rest of our classmates.

Instead of Mr.Aizawa I saw all-might and nezu standing in front of class 1-A.

"Attention class Mr.Aizawa had a serious matter to attend to so all-might will be residing over your sparring for today.. he should be back on Monday." The principle explained before turning and walking out of the door. Leaving all might to list off the pairs on the paper.

Most of the class whispered amongst each other while I sat there lost in thought, until the door swung open to show bakugo. He clearly looked uncomfortable.He was wearing his gym uniform on and his arms were bandaged up in heavy gauze.

"What are you looking at extras..." he yelled before taking his place next to me, slouching his posture glancing in my direction.

———————————————————————————A/n: sorry for the chopping writing this chapter I knew what I was trying to write but I don't think I got it across in the best way possible but I felt bad for not paying anything on Saturday so I'll post it to make up for it though I might re write it later, I'll post another chapter on Monday though for sure maybe even two.

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