Chapter 9: Tv talks ( a.k.a fluff chapter)

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(He is the literal sun like look at that smile he is to pure for this world)

Kiris P.O.V

Aizawai sensei has asked me to check up on bakugo once I was finished with English class , he told me about what Bakugo had said .It broke my heart that he was going though all that without me realizing it, how could I have not noticed.

I frowned as I walked through the empty hallways, gripping onto my backpack with my right arm. It was rare to see me without a smile as it was usually glued to my face. I liked to make people happy, if they were happy I was happy. It was one of my defining personality traits.

Bakugo was different though, his smiles were rare and he almost never even let a small one grade his features, how could I have not realized that his eyes were brimming with sadness.

As I neared the dorms I put a grin back onto my face, opening the front door to see bakugo sprawled out on the couch watching some sort of cooking show  though I noticed that he wasn't really paying attention to it as his eyes were directed elsewhere.

I shut the front door and plopped down next to him earring a flinch from him as he most likely didn't notice me at first.

    "Hey bakubro...!" I smiled and leaned into hug him , slightly surprised when he let me wrap my arms around his waist. I glanced up at his face to find him turned away from me, his ears red.

    "What are you doing here hair for brai- I mean kiri.." he muttered , not taking his eyes darting to the  Tv screen.

    "I'm checking on you to see how your holding up..I'm worried bakugo.." I hugged him tighter before letting go and sitting next to him. Fighting the urge to cuddle up against him and comfort the hurting blond.

      "Remember im here for you , okay Bakubro.." I said in a serious voice. He gave a "Tch" in response but I could tell he had acknowledged what I had said.

   "Course I know that weird hair... you always seem to care when no one else does" he mumbled the last part under his breath but I heard him my heart shattering.

     "I'm never leaving you bakubro..I promise okay have to say that you believe me ...I'm not going anywhere no matter what you've done or will do I'm not leaving.." I smiled and leaned back against the couch stealing glances at the now confused looking blond.

    He opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it again and went back to staring at the Tv screen.

We sat there in silence for a while , comfortable silence, as a random show about how to cook macrons played on Tv in the background. I couldn't seem to take my eyes off bakugo no matter what I did,  he was so beautiful..his perfect skin and flawless jawline ...wait did I just call my best bro beautiful.No that can't be right.

Truth be told I had been having these thoughts for a while before , I just couldn't take my eyes off his complexion.

I'd known I was gay ever since middle school, I told my parents  almost right away and they were very accepting, I was thankful to them for that as I didn't know what could have happened if they hadn't been supportive. I had a small crush on the explosive teen ever since I met him on the first day of school, there was something about him that just drew me in made me want to know more. I thought that the feeling of butterflies every time he walked In the room would fade in time but it only got stronger to the point where I was tempted to reach over and hug the blond tightly and never let go but ,of course I wouldn't do that. He's probably not even gay and even if he was why would he love someone like me .

I let out a sigh and glanced over at bakugo who seemed to be lost in thought. His eyes were struggling to stay open and his body swayed slightly.

He leaned his head into my shoulder, immediately passing out. I felt my face go red and I smiled at his sleeping figure.

I slowly ran my fingers through his surprisingly soft blond hair as he snored softly, careful not to wake him up . I knew he would never let me do this normally So this was my only chance to play with his fluffy hair.

It was reliving to see him so calm, I felt myself drift off into a peaceful sleep as well, all my worries seemed to be lifted as I only focused on the blonds steady breathing and thought to myself that maybe everything would turn out okay.

———————————————————————————A/n: Sooo sorry for the shorter chapter I didn't really have nowhere else or it to go and just wanted to add a cute little fluff scene before I hit y'all with more angst

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