Chapter 39: Comfort and healing (Fluff chapter)

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Kirishimas P.O.V

It's been about a week since Bakugo was let out of the hospital, he was required to go to therapy at least twice a week , he agreed surprisingly and didn't say another word about it. I feel bad for how much he suffered but now I can make sure he never hurts again, the villains are still out there but they aren't going to get him as long as I'm around.

"Hey bakubabe.." I said with a smirk, sitting down next to him on the couch.

"Hi kiri.." He mumbled.

After the hospital visit he had become more quiet, and more peaceful, he no longer yelled much and mostly kept to himself.

"Pass me the remote ..?" I asked him, he grumbled but handed me it reluctantly.

His body still had lost of bandages as his knife wounds and bruises were still healing but the doctors cleared him to go back to school.

I flipped through the channels absentmindly until I landed on Hell's Kitchen, it used to be Bakugos favorite.

Me and him had grown closer over the weeks he spent at the hospital, I made sure to visit him everyday and we talked for hours about random topics, it was the best time of my life. Truth be told I was deeply in love with him, it sounded cheesy but it was true.

I've been wanting to confess for a long times but with everything that's been going on I decided against it. Now that he's out of the hospital I think I might confess for real.. I know we shared are feelings on the bathroom floor but we never said anything after words, we had both been so caught up with other issues.

I suddenly felt Bakugos head lay onto my lap, he looked so small in his over sized hoodie that he had been wearing lately.

I placed my hand on his head and ran my fingers through his ash blond hair that , despite its appearance, was surprisingly soft.

I had a small smile planted on my face as I continued to stare at the television screen.

"Hey kiri.."


"Why did you save me..from the villians.."

"Because I wasn't going to let him hurt you ag-"he cut me off suddenly.

"N-no the first time..what made you want to save me then ..I was a monster.."

"Bakugo your my best friend and crush why would I leave you there , sure you may have had your rough edges but so does everyone, I knew there was good in you Bakugo your not a monster like your mind keeps saying you are..!" I yelled in a determined voice.

I felt him flinch slightly at my loud outburst and I quickly let out an apology.

"I'm sorry Bakugo..I didn't mean to yell.."

"It's fine kiri..I should be able to handle it by now.."

"You went through a lot bakubro they don't just expect you to get over after a couple weeks, this will take time and you know it I'll be with you every step of the way."

I gripped his hand tightly from where we lay on the couch.

"Thank you kirishima ..really I mean mask has completely shattered anyways..why bother rebuilding it.." He chuckled quietly to himself though it sounded pained.

"Bakugo it's okay to feel vulnerable I understand that the mask was what protected you from the outside world but this is the time where you don't have have to face your problems head on I know you can do that.. your of the strongest in class 1-A.."

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