Chapter 10: Discussions

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Todorokis P.O.V

I haven't seen bakogo act like that , ever. It reminded me of when I was forced to train with my father, reduced to a sobbing mess on the ground, only thinking of how to shield myself from the next blow . A pang of empathy and guilt stung my chest as the normally tough blond was reduced to that. Whatever he saw was seriously scaring him.

I wanted to help but my legs felt frozen in place, all I could do was watch as Kirishima yelled at Teko. Then Mr.Aizwai got involved, ending the whole incident.

I watched kirishima pick up the unconscious boys body and carry him out of the training grounds. I turned to Midoriya to see him crying.

      "Midoriya are you alright ..?" I asked him giving him a sympathetic look.

     "I'm worried for kacchan.." he mumbled , attempting to wipe his eyes but ultimately failing as more tears kept falling.

     "It sure he will be alright..bakugos tough..Kirishima will make sure he's okay" I attempted to comfort the sobbing boy but I had never been good in dealing with other people's feelings and in truth I didn't know if bakugo would be okay.

     "Y-yeah...i guess your right..."... he paused a second to sniffle "I heard him mumbling.. things ..he sounded so desperate..." I nodded slowly. It was true ..I would need to talk with him when I had a chance though Mr.Aizawai was probably already asking him what had happened.

     "It will be alright I'm sure Mr.Aizawa with figure out what's wrong with him and help him .. I hated seeing him like that to.." I patted midorya on the back as I glanced around the arena.

Everyone was conversing among themselves, the sparring momentarily paused. Most of class 1-A had worried looks on there faces and even a couple students from 1-B looked worried. Monoma was standing in the corner of the arena talking to teko casually which made my blood boil.

I cursed under my breath at him, annoyed that he was just brushing off what had happened like it was some normal thing, a joke.

I sighed and walked over to a group of people self
Proclaimed at the bakusquad. Maybe they knew what was going on with bakugo, it was worth a shot.

I saw a couple of them whispering amongst each other , some even having tears in there eyes.

     "Oh...todoroki" Mina commented as I neared the group.

      "Oh what's up todobro"  I heard sero and denki  say at almost the exact same time. I let a small smile graze my face but quick suppressed it as I wasn't one to smile easily.

     "Hello.. " I mumbled.

     "I swear that emo dude is going to get the full wrath of the bakusquad" Mina yelled to the rest of them with a glare in her eyes.

     "Yeah..!" Denki joined in.

"Speaking of bakugo.. do any of you know why he was freaking out so much .. I saw what happened like the rest of you all but why.." I asked curiously.

"Uh well ..from the rumors I heard that guy can seriously mess you up if he wanted to , he even made a girl leave the school but he wasn't expelled as she was to scared to testify against him, his quirk is nightmare and it gives him the ability to make people see there's worst fears or if someone had a real traumatic past, their suppressed memories. That was most likely bakugos case as I heard teko whispering with Monoma about his fears as he can also watch what the inflicted person is seeing while he is using his quirk." Mina finished with a somber expression. My mouth opened in shock

"How did you know that.." I asked her after I quickly closed my mouth.

"Oh well I was really curious about that incident so I got Mr. Aizawai to tell me what happened." She concluded.

"Poor bakubro" Denki commented looking to the side in what could be mistaken for shame.

      " So if we wanna know what bakugo saw..we talk to teko" I concluded, Mina nodded, punching her fists together.

"How about we all go and have a nice little chat with the emo" she smirked.

"I think that's a good idea as long as you don't beat him up , if we want to extract any information we need to make him think that he's giving it away willingly" I mumbled out.

"That's a good idea todoroki...that emo is going to regret ever messing with bakugo" Mina commented

The whole bakusquad neared Teko but just then kiri burst through the door , his face red , most likely from running but there were other possibilities.

"Oh Kirishima's bakugo..?" All-might asked him.

"Aizawai-sensei said for me to tell you that he wouldn't not be teaching for the rest of the day as he has some business to take care off" Kirishima replied before jogging over to us.

I studied his facial features which seemed to be filled with worry and guilt.

I quickly walked away before he saw me as it wasn't any of my business what they were saying and at the moment I needed to have a little chat with Teko Akuma.

He would regret this.

———————————————————————————A/n: sorry I didn't post this chapter till later I was editing the other chapter for grammatical mistakes and stuff like that , this chapter is kinda a filler chapter in a way but still important to the plot, it had to be written before I get to more bakuboi angst (with a little bit of fluff) also the I drew that picture up there since I was doodling in class and you know it kinda just spirales out of control anyways sorry this is so long Ill end it here.


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