Chapter 18: Worries and table talks

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Kirishimas P.O.V

Bakugo came to class.

I was so happy to see his disheveled form walk through the door durning first period. I was getting worried that he might never show. Unfortunately he looked exhausted, his hair wasn't as poofy as normal and despite his best efforts I could still see the dark circles that lay under his crimson red eyes. My worry only increased when I saw the edge of a bandage peaking out from his long sleeves, what had happened to him I would have to ask later.

By the time lunch rolled around I knew what I needed to do.

I followed bakugo as he fled the classroom with his head and shoulders drooped.

I walked up to him and swung my arm around his shoulder, noticing his slight blush.I chuckled as I convinced him to come eat lunch with the bakusquad, this was gong to be great.

"Come on blasty it's not very manly to keep are friends waiting" I teased.

"Hmph Whatever.." I heard him mumble, he was hiding his face with his hair like he was nervous.

We neared the cafeteria after a couple minutes and we both walked in, sitting with the rest of the bakusquad who were already chatting quietly among themselves.

      "Hey guys look who I brought" I grinned showing off bakugo who was scowling at all of them.

      "Blasty it's one of you to join us" Denki teased giving his signature smirk.

      "Hmph Whatever im only here cause weird hair is" I heard him mutter under his breath causing me to blush.

      "Ooo~ is Kirishima blushing" Mina teased.

      "Course not..haha..." I chuckled awkwardly while rubbing the back of my neck, trying my best to look at anyone but the scowling blond.

      "I totally ship it" she whispered.

My face turned beet red and turned away from them to spare me the embarrassment.

      "What are you damn extras whispering about" Bakugo yelled.

      "Oh nothing blasty~" Mina teased.

      "Stupid extras go die" he muttered , explosions forming in his palms.

      "Woah calm down bakubro that's not very manly"I chuckled as he huffed in annoyance, pouting.

      "Oh bakubro did you bring any lunch..?" I asked him as I took out some food I had made this morning.

     "Tch..m'not hungry I ate this morning" he mumbled. I knew that was a lie as I had not seen him all morning and he seemed like he had rushed to class.
       "Bakugo...please eat I know that's a lie .. you look so fragile" I whispered to him so the rest of the bakusquad wouldn't hear.

      " fine hair for brains I don't need your pity ... I just haven't been hungry recently.." He replied, a look of despair gracing his features.

     "I won't take no for an answer "

I shoved my lunch towards him with a serious expression.

     "Fine.." he grumbles, taking a small bite of rice.

I watched him like a hawk until he ate enough to be considered lunch .

He frowned once he finished, averting his gaze.

I suddenly saw a look of fear graze his face, he got up and rushed out of the cafeteria mumbling something about having to go to the bathroom.

      "Bakubro...! Wait up" I yelled as I chased after him. He was heading in the direction of the bathrooms, his hands clutching his stomach.

By the time I caught up with them I heard the sound of commuting coming from the stall he was in.

         " sorry ..." I said aloud once the sound stopped.

He slowly walked out of the bathroom, his head hung in shame.

      "M' sorry.." he mumbled, tears seemed to be forming in his eyes.

I held my hands out to hug him, I could see him looking for an escape but he eventually walks into my arms. I gave him a manly hug. Some part of me wanted to stay like this for a while, holding him in my arms but I knew it couldn't last.

After a minute or so he slowly backed away from me, his head hung low in shame.

      "Your so weak how could you do that again" I heard him whisper to himself, breaking my heart.

He was being so hard on himself, I couldn't let him suffer like this, if I let him continue like this I could loose him, my crush the one I love, and I would sacrifice myself before I let him die , a world without him was bland, colorless.

       "Are you ready to go back to the cafeteria bakubro ..?" I asked him, giving him one more tight hug that caused his face to turn beet red.

      "Whatever .."

     "Alright let's go blasty ...if you want we can go somewhere other than the cafeteria if you don't feel comfortable" I offered.

      "Tch.. sure weird hair ..."

I felt my face brighten at this statement and I grabbed his hand, surprised when he didn't snatch it away like the last time.

I darted towards the front of the school where a small forest lay I always liked to go there when I just wanted to be alone.

Once we finally arrived I took a seat against a tree, motioning or him to sit across from me.

The spot was serene, there was a small river that ran next to where we were sitting and many trees to shade the area from any harsh rays of sun.

I took a deep breath , I knew I had to ask bakugo what happened to his arm at some point i needed to help him and I couldn't if he was getting unexplained injuries.

      "Hey bakugo.. what happened to your arm..?"

———————————————————————————A/n: sorry for the shorter chapters the next one should be longer but it might not be put out until tomorrow or even Sunday , the reason I posted so many chapters today is because I'm going to be really busy tomorrow, I'll try to get at least one out tomorrow though so I apologize if it doesn't happen

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