Chapter 13: Just your average trip to the store with a piece of broccoli

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Kirishimas P.O.V

Bakugo has sent me to the store to grab some chicken for the Yakitori. To say I was excited that he trusted me enough to ask me was an understatement. Even Though happiness was swelling in my chest I still felt a slight sense of worry at the thoughts of Bakugos terrible nightmare.

As soon as the door shut behind me I sprinted across campus with a small grin on my face. I had slipped on a thin black jacket with my phone and wallet in the pockets as I would probably look weird if I went in my school uniform.

I reached the end of the school grounds with a pant, deciding to stop running as my breathing was becoming labored.

I was about to walk passed the gate but I heard someone walking behind me.

I turned around to see Midoriya, his hair seemed to be extra fluffy today and a thin smile was on his face.

      "O-oh hi Kirishima a-are you heading off campus...?" He asked me with his signature stutter while gripping his backpack tightly with one hand.

      "Oh yeah- bakubro is making dinner for everyone and he asked me to grab some chicken from the supermarket down the street." I chuckled whiled rubbing the back of my neck. Despite my overall extrovert personality I still felt awkward when I talked to people on my own as I had no one else to save me from the awkward silence.

     "T-thats cool.. do you mind if I ..maybe come with you ...c-cause well you s-see I've had this f-feeling that someone I-is following me and I needed to go to the store f-for some things but I didn't really wanna go alone..." he overly explained, hanging his head low in shame.

      "Oh yeah sure , anything to make my bro feel safer" I gave a quick smile to re assure him and myself that everything would be fine.

"Now let's go to the supermarket..!" I continued walking out the front gate, Midoriya followed behind me, glancing behind him every couple minutes.

After about ten minutes of walking we reached the down town area which was bustling with people walking in every direction. I set my sights on a large building, walking closer to it while making sure midoriya didn't get lost in the crowd.

"W-we're here..." He stuttered our while glancing behind him.

"Yep..! Let's go in.. do you think whoever it was is still following you..?" I asked him.

"I-I'm not sure I think we lost them in t-the crowd."

"Okay well you keep an eye out while we're in the store I only need to grab one thing so it should be quick." I then walked through the automatic doors and Into the air conditioned building, Midoriya following behind me.

"Alright you grab your stuff and I'll go get what I need , wanna meet at the front by the bathrooms when your done..?" I asked him.

"S-sure..." He mumbled before turning and walking away.

I made my way to the refrigerated section of the store and glanced at the variety of animal products. I grabbed a bag and picked a decent looking package of chicken, tying the plastic bag and turning to walk towards the register.

On my way towards the front of the store I stopped dead in my tracks, Uraraka was there , picking out a bag of funnions off the shelf.

For some reason my heart began to race and my eyes widened. She turned to me and gave me a slight grin

"Oh hey kiri~" she gave me a warm smile that made my skin crawl, she never called me kiri, only bakugo was aloud to call me that and, what was she doing out of school so soon, she usually stayed after to train or hang out around campus.

"Hi.." I mumbled before continuing to walk up to the front of the supermarket, my heart racing in my chest. Something was off but I couldn't figure out what.

I slowly made my way back to the store, a death grip on my plastic bag. I paid for the item and walked over to were I told midoriya to meet me, my eyes darting around anxiously.

After a couple minutes I saw midoriya coming towards me. I gave him a quick wave , trying to shove back the intense feeling of unrest that had set in my chest.

"H-hey Kirishima... can we hurry I-I think they f-found me.." he mumbled while glancing around.

"Yeah let's get out of here..." I then headed for the door as midoriya followed behind me,both of us trying not to look back.

We walked back across the central plaza and passed some alley ways, are pace picking up as we neared the school. We almost made it but someone stopped us.


She was behind us smiling.

"Oh heyyy midoriya  ...and Kirishima " she smiled widely.

"Uraraka...what are you doing here were you following us ?" The broccoli haired boy asked.

"Hehe sorry midoriya I didn't mean to I just saw you guys on your way back from the supermarket and decided to try and catch you as you were walking back" her face was turning red most likely from embarrassment and she didn't appear to be lying.

"Wait..did you say hi to me at the supermarket..?" I asked with no emotion displayed on my face.

"I did...i don't remember that..?"I felt my blood run cold, if it wasn't her who I said hi to them who was it.

"Why do you ask..?"

"Uh no reason let's go back to the dorms Blastys making everyone dinner-" I plastered a smile onto my face and began walking towards the dorm building hearing there footsteps following behind me.

As I walked closer to the dorms I heard lots of whispers and gasps which gave me a bad feeling. I shoved open the door to see something I never wanted to see again.

———————————————————————————A/n: sorry this took so long to post I kept revising it and debating whether or not to include the league of villains yet (thankfully I didn't cause this has literally all happened in the span of I day so I need to calm down) anywho this was just kinda filler chapter with a tiny bit of plot to make it worth while the next chapter should be a lot more interesting as it's it todorokis point of view.

(Also sorry if kiris out of character for this I tried to keep him in character but it was kinda difficult)

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