Chapter 36: Recovery and searching

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A/n: found this art on Pinterest I just really wanted to use it lol, I kinda want to write a fanfiction with a danganropa pairing but first I need to finish this one and work on writing better.

Kirishimas P.O.V

Everything was hazy.

The last thing I remember was Dabi and fire , so much fire. The smoke clouded my vision and stung my hardened skin, after that everything was a blur. Voices echoed around me but I couldn't make them out, soon after I slipped into unconsciousness, nothing but darkness greeted me there.




I don't know how long I was out for but when I came to I was lying in a hospital bed with bandages lining my arms and chest.

I took a glance around the room to see nobody there, I was hooked to an IV which stood by a heart monitor next to my bed and I was wearing a hospital gown. Only one thought was running through my brain though, where was bakugo.

I promised I would keep him safe, I promised I wouldn't let them take him. I failed.

"Kirishima..?" A voice called from outside the room, I turned my head towards the doorway to see Mr.Aizawa walk in with a somber expression on his face.

"What happened...?" I asked with a calm voice, not bothering to smile.

" .." he said, pausing after each word. His eyes showed more pain than his voice.

"I'm going to kill them.." I snapped, jumping out of the hospital bed and attempted to rip out one of the Iv's present in my arm. I couldn't just sit there as Bakugo was most likely being hurt by that monster.

I instantly regretted that decision of course as my arm started leaking out blood onto the floor before Mr.Aizawa stopped me.

"Kirishima please calm down ..that was dangerous, you got pretty badly hurt when you were protecting Bakugo, you've been out for a little over a day. I've cancelled classes for today though so you didn't miss anything, we are sending out search party's soon but for now you and all of the class need to recover , you weren't the only one who got hurt." He finished , taking some gauze and wrapping it around my arm to stop the bleeding.

"I can't just sit here ..Bakugos who knows where and I promised I would protect him what if he dies..what if we never find him again, what if he's not the same.." I rambled on, tears now threatening to spill from my eyes. I sat back down in the cot and put my head down.

     "I can guarantee we will find him but we are trying are best.. a lot of the pros got Injuried or are busy with other tasks so we are having trouble putting together a team but we will find him.. please just stay here and's what Bakugo would want and you know that." He said in a dull tone though I could tell he meant what he said.

"Okay.." I responded, clutching my bleeding arm as waves of pain wracked my tired body. Until I drifted into a state of deep thought.

-A couple hours later (around 8:00pm)-

I had been sitting there and staring out the window as the sun slowly set. I tried to keep my mind blank but I couldn't keep the worry away. I was slowly going crazy.

Time seemed to slow as I sat there and I was barley aware if my surroundings until the door creaked open.

I immediately snapped my head towards the noise and saw a head of yellow hair.

It was denki.

He walked into the room slowly, the right side of his face was bandaged up along with his arms and he didn't wear his usual care free smile.

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