Chapter 24: The mall (with minimal social interaction)

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Kirishimas P.O.V

Bakugos hurt.

I noticed as soon as I saw him.

Whoever hurt him is going to pay.

I was going to ask him to tell me what had happened but once I saw the look in his eyes I decided against it, he looked so small and helpless. It made my heart shatter Into a million pieces.

I had to admit my gay mind was going crazy at the sight of Bakugos outfit, he looked adorable in his slightly over sized hoodie and his jeans were stylish and fit nicely, I had to force myself to avert my gaze as I felt my face heat up.

"What were you looking at weird hair.." he growled.

"Uh n-nothing lets keep going ..!" I yelled while walking a bit faster.

I heard him mumble out something that sounded like a curse word but he followed me with his head down.

By the time we got to the front of the mall I was dripping in sweat, it was hot out and I was only wearing a T-shirt and some shorts, along with my crocs of course.

"Hey bakubro do you wanna take of your hoodie, I can carry it for you if you'd like.." I asked him with a smile, he seemed to glare and me and shook his head.

"Tch..I don't need your help It's cold in the mall." He responded, something about that excuse didn't sit right with me but I didn't push it as I knew he would only yell at me.

I glanced around the crowd of people and saw the bakusquad who were chatting in a small group.

I grabbed Bakugos arm to get his attention.

He winced at my contact and turned my direction. Maybe his burns were still healing.

"Are you okay bakugo..." I asked him.

"M'fine let's go weird hair" he grumbled, trudging towards the rest of the group.

     "Hi blasty ..! I didn't know you were coming" Mina yelled at bakugo who seemed to turn his head away from them.

      "Tch..whatever are we going to shop or not" he muttered.

I have a grin at the rest of the squad and we all began walking through the extravagant mall.

We had been there a couple times prior to the whole villain incident but had stopped going due to everyone either busy with homework or personal matters, with all that had happened with bakugo this week we had all thought it would be a good idea to go and hopefully lift his spirits.

The mall itself was a sight to behold, it was the biggest one in are area and was very popular among the younger ages , hordes of teenagers were walking around it just like we were , goofing off and laughing with each other, there were a couple older individuals but they usually only went due to needing certain things that they could only find at the mall.

The lay out of the building made the whole thing feel open and welcoming, it had originally been planned to have four floors but when constructing it they cut it short and left it with only three. There were escalators that aloud easy travel to each of the three floors and each one also offering a unique variety of items.

The mall was extra busy today as it was a Saturday and everyone was off of school so it made for larger crowds than usual, most of the group didn't mind but bakugo seemed to shrink back at the vast number of people that were swarming around him.

I neared him and gave him a smile which made him perk up slightly but he quickly replaced whatever relief he felt with a scowl and continued walking.

      "What shop do you guys wanna hit first ...?" Mina asked us all with a large grin on her face.

      "Let's go to the clothing store on the second floor" I proposed to the others.

I had heard that the store carried the best clothes at great deals, and for poor high schoolers like us it was perfect.

     "Okay that's a good idea.. to the escalator..!" Mina yelled again while darting towards the sets of moving steps.

I was about to chase after her but I heard bakugo let out a quiet laugh, it made my heart melt. I turned to look at him but his smile was already fading. He sent a glare my way and continued sulking behind me, his hands shoved deep into his sweater pockets.

      "Hurry up you two, you can make out later..!" Denki yelled at us.

A deep blush set on my face and I looked away while speed walking towards the escalator.

      "Damn pikachu.." I heard him growl, denki was as good a dead.

      "Your dead sparky.." He growled, grinding his teeth and launching warning explosions at him, not really wanting to hurt him.

I chuckled as he chased him around before denki darted up the escalator.

Me, Mina, and Sero followed them up the moving stair way while watching him explode denki.

By the time we reached the top of the elevator denki was apologizing and bakugo had a look of pure rage on his face.

     "Hmph better be sorry discount pikachu.." he growled and sulked back over in my direction.

     "Now lets go to that f**king clothes store.." he cursed.

I have a wide grin and hung my arm around his neck whole the rest of the gang began walking towards the clothing store.

He flinched at my class tact and seemed to flinch in pain but I didn't wanna push it yet as he would just explode at me.

     "OMG- LOOK AT THESE JEANS..!" I heard Mina yell from across the mall, i looked over to see her grabbing a pair of light blue jeans that were ripped in a couple places purposely.

We both made are way over to the estatic girl as she ran around , looking at all the clothes that surrounded her.

"Hey bakugo do you need any new clothes..?" I asked him.

"Tch..yeah..whatever" he mumbled in a low voice.

      "Let's look over here until Mina calms down" I suggested, grabbing his arm and pulling him further back into the store.

Once we got back there he snatched his arm away from mine and glared at me, though he looked like he was in pain.

I only grew more concerned when I saw a stray tear roll down his cheek.

      "Are you okay bakubro..?" I asked him.

      "M'fine.." he mumbled whole wiping away a stray tear.

      "Please tell me what's wrong ..don't act like your fine , every time I touch you , you wince and you look like your always looking for an escape.. please I just wanna help.." I pleaded.

I could see him look at me with pain in his eyes but he quickly turned away from me.

     "Please just leave it ..okay.." he squeaked out. It sounded so weak and sad I could only nod in response.

     "Okay.. I trust you'll tell me when your ready is there any clothes you want there on me..!" I grinned.

     "You don't have to do that hair for brains.. I can pay.." he muttered.

     "No I insist ...! Now come on let's go find some jeans."

———————————————————————————A/n: sorry about the wait and the short length of the chapter I sorta lost motivation for a bit but I'm back and am going to post another chapter today, I just ended this arruptly since I didn't think you guys wanted to read about clothes shopping for to long.

Also THANK YOU FOR 1,000 READS I didn't think I would get here so thank you to everyone who's read my fan fiction :D

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