Chapter 4: Teacher talks and locker room shenanigans

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Todos P.O.V

Bakugos disappeared again, he bolted as soon as the lunch bell rang , earning a couple questioning looks, especially from kirishima and midoriya but I lost track of him somewhere and can't find him anywhere.

I had over heard his conversation with Aizawa-sensei earlier which only made my concern grow.

He seemed to be doing worse than I originally thought. I needed to find him.

"Hey todoroki have you found blasty yet..?" I heard Kirishima ask from behind me.

"No- the only place I haven't checked yet is the roof..." I muttered feeling him shift uncomfortably next to me.

"We need to make sure he's okay .." Kirishima yelled as he began running towards the roof of the building. I followed behind him, trying to keep pace with him.

By the time we reached the roof, we were both out of breath.I shoved open the roof door to find bakugo sprawled out against a wall, he looked peaceful. I started to back up but he must have heard the door as his eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Tch..what do you two want" I heard him mutter, his hair was covering most of his face and his eyes were pointed at the ground.

"We were just wondering where you were , We gif worried after hearing your talk with Aizawa." I replied, noting how he flinched at the mention of it.

"Mind your own damn business.. I'm fine I just wanted to be left the hell alone for a little bit" I heard a hint of desperation in his voice that made my heart throb painfully.

"If you ever need anything we are here for you bakubro me, todoroki and the whole bakusquad ...okay?" I heard Kirishima say from behind me , a bright smile that seemed to omit light onto his features. Bakugo seemed to nod in response and with a final "Tch" he turned his head away and began looking at his phone.

Me and Kirishima gave him one more glance before slowly turning around and,making are way down the stairs. Neither one of us eager to leave the blond unsupervised.

"I'm assuming you heard it to.." Kirishima mumbled

"Yes.. somethings very wrong but  with his stubborn personality it might be difficult to extract any information" I replied.


"Excuse me.." I heard a monotone voice from behind us mumble. I flinched and turned around to see are homeroom teacher , his bored facial expression prominent on his face like usual.

"Can you two please come into my office I need to speak with you concerning the problem child" He droned on. I simply nodded and followed him to his office , kiri trailing behind me.

We both took a seat as he went to his desk , plopping himself down in his swivel chair.

"As I'm sure you've realized bakugo has been acting more distant and jumpy lately, I need to know for his own safety if there's anything that could be causing this radical change in behavior that I see him so desperately trying to hide.."

"Well .. it started to become more prominent after the kamino incident maybe he's just having some bad nightmares or something like that but is to stubborn to ask for help..?" Kirishima suggested his statement sounding more like a question.

"Yes I am aware that this is a possibility but is there any other things he has told you or you have seen that would be a cause for concern?"He asked , adjusting his scarf with a bored look on his face. I squirmed in my chair as the silence was deafening.

"Well, this morning I walked into class and saw bakugou passed out at his desk, after a bit of time he started shaking as if he was scared but when I asked him about it he got all defensive and said it was none of my business.." I finished.

"I see.. well for now unfortunately theres nothing I can do .. I can't go off of a hunch , so for now just keep an eye on him but don't tell him about this conversation...and Kirishima.. you're the only one he might consider telling anything .. so please if he tells you what's wrong try your best to help him.."He frowned his eyes showing a glimmer of worry.

"You are dismissed, you can head to hero training once the bell rings"he muttered while ushering us out the door.

Once we exited his office, kirishima and I headed towards the locker rooms, the bell ringing once we reached the doors. I shoved them open and walked in, heading towards my locker to get my gym uniform. My thoughts were flooded with are conversation with sensei. I wish he wasn't so stubborn, if he would just tell us what was going on we could help him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone shoving the double doors to the locker room open. Bakugou.

"Sup bakubro..!" I heard Kirishima say , his smile radiating on his face. Despite his glare I could see his shoulder slouched and his eyes darting around the room like he was scared. I was about to ask him but he seemed to snap out of whatever haze he was in and return back to his normal facial expression.

"Hey weird hair"

"Hey ..! we basically have the same hair" he retorted with a smile which caused the ash blond to let out another "tch" before making his way to what I assume to be his locker. Kirishima then glanced toward my direction sharing my look of worry.

Once I finished changing into my gym uniform I stole a glance at bakugo who seemed to be standing there awkwardly while looking at his phone.

"Are you going to change..?" I asked him cautiously as I was not ready to be yelled at.

"Tch of course ..I'm just waiting for you extras to finish" he muttered, not looking up from his phone.

I simply nodded, not mentioning that he didn't give a reasoned to why he didn't change with everyone.

"Okay well I'll see you out there , we are sparing with class 1-B today in case you forgot" I turned my head and walked out of the locker room just after hearing him mumble something along the lines of "I know –" or "course I know that".

I made my way towards the training grounds where the rest of the class was already lined up along with class 1-B who stood to the right of class-1A in small clusters.

This was certainly going to be an interesting class period.


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