Chapter 37: Dealing with villans (but not really)

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A/n: and also I've sorta lost motivation for this story , don't worry if you've been reading I'm going to finish it and hopefully the motivation will return.
I hate writers block-

This is a darker chapter so read at your own risk

Bakugos P.O.V

It's probably only been hours, though it feels like days.

After they took me they bound my hands and feet leaving me alone with Dabi, again.

The second he turned to face me my body began shaking violently, I couldn't, no I wouldn't let this happen, not again, just not again.

      "Come here.." he said with an evil sparkle in his eyes, he held blue fire in his hands and walked towards where I was chained up.

I backed up as much as I could until the chains stopped me from going any further, I tried to activate my quirk by the quirk dampener made it impossible to create so much as even a spark.

I tried to think about this logically but my mind was racing and fear was making my thoughts all fuzzy , telling me to run as far away as I could.

My cheeks suddenly felt wet and I noticed I was crying, how pitiful.

      "Oh your sacred already..I haven't even done anything yet.." his grin grew as he reached for my neck, lifting me off the ground and heating up his hands.

My neck was in fire and I began to cough as smoke entered my lungs, after a couple more seconds he dropped my body to the ground, the smell of burning flesh filling the room.

I couldn't find the strength to get up so I slowly curdled in on myself, tears leaking out of my eyes and the chains clattering with my movements.

I was terrified, what was he going to do next, I didn't want to go through this again, why me, why did they have to take me back, couldn't they just leave me alone.

      "W-why.." I croaked out as dabi neared me.

     "Get up.." he growled, kicking me repeatedly until I lifted myself of the ground, my head down and my eyes shut tight.

He then punched me in the face, the recoil sending me into the corner.

      "W-why .." I asked again, desperate to know why he was doing this, why they had taken me.

     "I didn't ask to get you back..though I'm not complaining, shiggy told everyone that we had to get you cause you saw something you shouldn't have,though you won't be seeing much anytime soon." He chuckled , punching me again even as I was still recovering from his last blow.

      "I-I didn't see anything.." I sobbed ,clutching my stomach as I coughed up blood.

     "Well I'm here to make sure you don't remember anything.. anyways.." he said with a smirk as he cornered me against the wall.

     "I've been going easy on you .. now you definitely saw something , you might as well tell me ..though really your answer won't matter.." he chuckled and went in for another punch.

-a couple hours later-

I was beaten to a pulp, and if that wasn't enough my dignity was gone, my clothes were torn in multiple places from wounds and my hair matted from blood.

Dabi had finally left me alone as the rest of the villains called him away though I could barely pay attention and all that registered with in me is that the assault had stopped , he left me chained up and bleeding on the floor , assuming that I would be staying there until he got back.

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