Chapter 21: Rude awakenings

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Tw: slight mentions of abuse
Bakugos P.O.V

I must have been sleeping for well over an hour.

I didn't have any dreams surprisingly, it was nice. For once I felt the panic lifted off my chest, but of course that couldn't last for very long.

I awoke to a blinding light right in my face.I heard a voice but I couldn't make out what they were saying , the words were jumbled in my brain.

"What the hell.." I groaned , sitting up and trying to adjust my eyes to the bright light.

"Sweetie are you feeling better..?" Recovery girl asked me with a sweet smile.

"Yeah I guess.." I mumbled, my brain finally clearing and making me remember what had happened earlier.

"No..why did I do that ...stupid" I whispered under my breath, clutching my head.

"Are you okay honey..?" She asked in a sweet tone, I gave a slight nod and stood up from the cot, my throat dry.

"Your class is in hero training right now if you want to go but if you end up back here again I will have to call your guardian.."

"Tch..Whatever..I'll go" I grunted, walking towards the door.

Once I got outside I glanced at my arms and saw that there were viable hand marks that were scattered along both of my arms. I couldn't let them see this.

Once I arrived at the locker rooms I quickly opened my locker and took out some gauze I kept for emergencies. Slowly unraveling it, I wrapped it around both of my arms until they were thickly coated in the white bandage.

then I quickly changed into my gym uniform while shutting my eyes tightly, as to not look at my hideous figure.

I threw my backpack into my locker and slammed it close, another wave of exhaustion hitting me. I probably should have rested longer as the strain of my injuries were on more than just my hands.

I then stormed out of the locker room and made my way to the arena, slouching my posture and putting a scowl on my face before slamming the door open.

The whole class turned to stare at me and my emotions betrayed me, making me feel incredibly anxious.

"what are you looking at extras..."I growled before making my way over to kiri who looked a bit startled.

I heard all might listing the sparring pairs and I tuned him out until I heard my name like usual.

     "Okay the next pair is todoroki and bakugo..." I felt my throat go dry , I instinctively backed up.

     "No dammit .." I muttered, glancing at kiri with fear in my eyes.

He tried to say something but all-might had already turned to talk to someone.

       "I can't fight him ..I can't ..." I whispered to kiri who seemed to be frozen.

      "Why Bakubro...?" He asked.

      "Just don't..don't ask..I-" I couldn't let him in on anything else , he already found out half of it , he didn't need to know anymore. I would have to toughen up and face my fear even though I knew it would probably end badly.

      "N-never-mind M'fine" I growled , turning away and trying to hold back the wave of panic that was running through my body. I could do this I wasn't a coward.

     "Okay will the sparring pairs make there way to your assigned areas , you may begin as soon as both of you are ready." All-might called out.

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