Chapter 33: Nothing left to loose

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A/n: I will change the point of view next chapter it's just easier for this chapter if I keep it the same

Tw: mention of abuse and gore

Bakugos P.O.V

What did that nightmare mean, it had to be just another stupid dream, I would never become what I saw, I couldn't. I wouldn't let myself go down that path. It would be weak if I were to give in to the thoughts, I should be able to deal with something in my own head.

I shook myself out of my thoughts and quickly glanced down towards the arena to see Icy-hot already preparing, confirming the fact that I was screwed.

I was going to be finished, I would be seen as weak ..why was my life like this. I needed to get out of here. I needed to escape, run away, be anywhere but here.

My brain told me to flee but my feet started walking down the steps and onto the dirt floor of the arena facing half and half with a scowl. I needed to run , why wasn't I running why was I still here.

" I can't do this I can't do this.." I whispered to myself, shutting my eyes tightly in an attempt to calm myself down before my thoughts got out of control.

I heard voices echo throughout the arena, whispers, voices, they were all blurring together. Saliva gathered in my throat that I quickly swallowed down but the anxious feeling never left my chest as I raised my head to stare at icy-hot. His monotone expression only making everything worse.

"Let's get this over with" I said in a calm voice, ignoring my body's visible shaking and the millions of thoughts that were telling me how this could go wrong.

No matter what this wasn't going to end well. I knew that by now, yet I stood there with a false expression of confidence when really all of my thoughts narrowed down to one word that was being played on loop.





They screamed at me.

Despite knowing that I should have listened to them I steadied my feet and let out a curse to push the thoughts out of my mind. I focused on reading myself for battle, tuning everything else out and focusing on icy-hot.

"Ready..set .. you may begin.." A voice said through the speakers. Causing me to jump.

Todoroki didn't waste a second and began forming ice in his right palm. Since I had hesitated he used it to trip me up , sending me colliding with the ground. Pain shooting up my spine.

I tried to steady myself from the harsh impact but I could barely concentrate on the scene around me, instead I tried to blindly shoot explosions at Todoroki, hoping that one of them would hit him.

"Stay still you b*stard.." I cursed , finally feeling one of my poorly aimed attacks make contact.

I opened my eyes and saw him gripping his arm tightly, a burn mark visible on his pale flesh. At this the ice under me faded and I bound towards him with a small smirk on my face.

Before he could react I pushed my burnt pale towards his chest, shooting him backwards with a giant explosion that was already brewing due to my sweaty palms. His body shot across the arena rapidly  and nearly made contact with the wall.

He lessened the impact with his ice and slid towards me rapidly, fire spewing from his left side. This caused my eyes to widen with fear as I froze in my tracks.

His hand shot forward , blasting my now shaking form with flames, they engulfed my vision clouding my thoughts once more. Dust was kicked up and now surrounded both of us. Making it impossible to clearly see anything, including the tears that began to pour out of my eyes.

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