Chapter 16: Unspoken words

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Kiris P.O.V

Something happened, something bad. I never want to see bakugo like that again, ever .

He had ran off to his room after yelling, asking us to just slap him and get it over with, what kind of people did he used to hang out with, who would do that to him.

The entire bakusquad exchanges worried glances as he sulked off to his room .

"I'm sorry ..." I heard todoroki apologies. I internally cursed and turned to stare at him.

"You caused this?!? You caused him, bakugo my cr- my best friend to look so broken ,sobbing on the floor?!" I yelled , rage boiling in me.

"I apologize ... I was mad at him for what he had done to Midoriya and I went to far, I didn't expect him to spiral into that ..." he trailed off, averting his gaze.

I scoffed.

"You should have just talked to him, is that so hard of all people should know how bad he's hurting , he's a glass waiting to shatter and you just shoved him over the damn edge" I yelled at him. Letting a curse word spill out.

"Please calm down ...I know it was foolish of me to explode on him like that, especially with his mental state...." he averted my gaze and hung his head low.

     "Tch..." I muttered , much like bakugo did.

      "What happened to blasty,did it have something to do with earlier today...?"

I simply nodded.

     "Bakugos hiding a lot more than he lets on...with his stubborn personality it's hard to tell.. Please when he comes back don't act like anything's changed .. It will only make it worse" I begged them.

      "Okay..but we should tell Mr.Aizawa about this..if this is a normal thing for him that's a serious cause for concern" todoroki commented

I gave a nod and turned to the others who still had a look of worry on there faces.

      "Bakubro...I didn't know how badly he was hurting.. I knew something was off before but ..." sero mumbled, turning his head away in shame.

       "Yeah...we failed as friends..."

       "Listen we just have to try are best to help him..let him tell us ... something's happens to him.. I don't know if it was the villains or something worse but he's spiraled out of control ..."I mumbled.

      "Uh...I might have some information that can help you figure out what's wrong with him...I asked Teko earlier about what bakugo saw thy caused him to have such a bad reaction ..." Todoroki explained.

       "You didn't think to tell us this earlier , he's clearly in pain .." I yelled. No one hurt bakugo and got away with one.

      "I'm sorry... "

       "Sorry won't cut it just tell us.." I snapped.

      "Woah kiri calm down will be alright we will figure it out .." denki said trying to keep me from standing up and attacking him.

      "Fine just tell us..."

      "Well... I think his terrible panic attack was triggered but something I did, maybe it was my voice or the flames but something made him start to freak out ... and he was begging us not to touch him or hurt him.. I would have to assume something happened with the league of villains that caused him to act that way ...another thing of concern is that he seems to be scared of him mother..he saw her in his forcefully induced nightmare..."

      "So your saying they did something to him ..oh I'm going to kill them"

I suddenly heard midoriya begin to sob.

     "Midoriya..?" Todoroki asked.

      "I-I've never s-seen him that *sniff* b..bad before ..." He stuttered out before breaking down into more tears in the middle of the hallway.

     "Your saying he's had them before ...?" I asked him.

      "Y-yes ..but they usually take p-place late at night ..h..he's never had one s-so terrible..."

     "He's been having them before and he ..he didn't tell me .. " I felt tears prick my eyes. How could I miss the obvious signs, I should have been a better friend.

     "D-don't feel to bad f..for not noticing though h..he's very good at h..hiding it."

     "I should have known ... I should have been a better friend" I lowered my head, slouching my posture.

" couldn't have known d..don't beat yourself up about it p..please" Midoriya pleaded.

"..I'm sorry ... I'm just mad about everything.." I muttered.

"I propose that we finish dinner while we wait for bakugo to come out of his room, there's nothing we can do except let him calm down"

"Yeah..I'll finish dinner I guess" I mumbled

Everyone else nodded in agreement and walked back over to the dinning room table , whispering amongst themselves.

I finished dinner after about 30 minutes and we all ate in an akaward silence.

No one saw bakugo and I slowly fell asleep thinking about the suffering blond.

———————————————————————————A/n : sorry about this chapter it's weird and a bit shorter than normal , I cut it off quickly since I kinda got writers block but I've got more ideas now ( on the next chapter the day is Friday btw)

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