Chapter 11: To get a confession

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Todorokis P.O.V

As I neared Teko, Monoma went completely silent, I glared at him for a good couple seconds before firmly planting myself in front of Teko.

       "Oh what does the scarred boy want with me , was it not enough to mess with one of your little friends" he chided, I grinded my teeth much like bakugo used to do but held my tongue.

      "No.. I'm here to congratulate you ones ever been able to make bakugo cry before was honestly hilarious" I tired to make my voice sound believable but I could barely get the words out, even though I made it relatively clear that I was lying he seemed to ignore this and continued talking.

       "Yeah..psh it was pretty funny... though that kid saw some dark stuff,  like that green haired kid over there jumping off a roof, that's what freaked the monster out the most, wonder what he did." He chuckled heartlessly.

I cursed under my breath, Even though Bakugo may be a bit brash and out spoken at times that was no reason to call him a monster.

     "Really.. that's what got him freaked out , you would think he would want to see him gone , after all he seems to hold a grudge against him" I forced a small laugh to make the lie sound at least a bit believable.

       "Yeah .. and get this he was scared of the villains to .. I mean how weak can you be.." he bursted out laughing which made me full with rage.

   "Y-yeah" I stuttered out feeling my throat close up.

     "Was there anything else he was scared of maybe I can use it against him" I forced a smirk onto my face.

He seemed to fill with glee at my statement, how did this sadist get into UA.

"He also seemed to be terrified of his mommy, it was absolutely hilarious to watch" He giggled insanely.

Bakugo was scared of his mom, maybe there was something going on at his house.

"Thanks for all this ..helpful information" I internally cringed and speed walked away before he could respond, all emotions immediately drained from my face.

I made my way over to All-might to ask him where Mr.Aizawai was, I needing to tell him this new information so no one else would get hurt by that monster , if he really wanted to belong at UA he could have but instead he was using it for his own personal entertainment, it absolutely disgusted me.

"Excuse me where could I find Mr.Aizawai I need to tell him something regarding Teko and what happened with bakugo." I explained, he gave me a silent nod and pointed towards the double doors of the arena.

"He should be in the infirmary I'll excuse you from English class for today as well.." he finished.

Despite his weaker form he still helped teaching us even if he wasn't the top hero , the Kamino incident seemed to take something from us all.

All might had lost his status and was slowly loosing his quirk

Midoriya lost his idol.

Kirishima nearly lost his best friend (for now) and hurt his pride.

I had lost the battle when I should have won.

We all regret not being strong enough to protect ourselfs.

And bakugo, he lost the most out of everyone. His hero, his pride, his dignity, his personality. Everything about him seemed to dim after, as if they had been stripped away and put back together only enough as to not break down completely.

He never did tell us what happened while he was trapped , he had refused and being his stubborn self it had actually worked. I sighed and pushed open the doors to the arena, walking down the empty hallway for the second time today.

I enjoyed the silence , I tried to clear my mind of all it's worries and panic. It was nice and calm, maybe this is why bakugo likes this so much, with all the things he must have to think about everyday he must enjoy times where everything Is just silent.

After a couple minutes I arrived at Mr.Aizwais office.

The door was already propped open so, I grabbed the door handle and swung the door open to see Mr.Aizawai at his desk typing on a computer.

     "What are you doing out of class Problem child #2" he said in a monotone voice, not glancing up at me.

     "'s about bakugo .. I assume you already talked with him but I got teko to reveal some ..well concern information.." I mumbled. He raised his eye brow and motioned for me to take a seat next to his desk.

     "You are correct I did have a chat with bakugo but he did not reveal much of anything, if he won't tell me I can't help him.. now what did Teko say Bakugo saw..?" He asked.

I nodded and began to speak.

     "Well, he saw three different scenes from what Teko claimed he saw, The first one he mentioned was one regarding Midoriya , I think it involved him jumping off a school roof, he said that one freaked him out the most, The second one he mentioned was the league of villains, and the third one he said was somehow his own mother .." I finished.

His eyes seemed to slightly widen at this information but no emotions appeared on his features otherwise.

       "I see.. that is cause for concern I already suspect that his mother may not be the best parent and that just confirms it  but if we want to do anything about it we need proof , he's not just going to tell us about it .... for now don't mention any of this to bakugo... just act like you normally do.. But if he does say something .. anything to you or Kirishima please tell me , it may help him." I nodded and stood up.

     "Oh and todoroki , try to talk to midoriya about this , maybe he'll know why bakugo saw what he did.. "

     "Okay ..." I replied , walking out the open door as Aizawai-sensei went back to typing on his computer.

I guess I needed to have a little talk with midoriya , but that could wait until after school, for now I would head back to English class.

This was going to be a long day

———————————————————————————A/n: apologies for the arrupt ending and for the more boring chapter i promise the next chapter will be full of fluff and angst.

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