Chapter 12: Nightmares, and how to handle them

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Tw: Gore and self-hate

Bakugos P.O.V


There was darkness

Complete isolation, no sound , no color, no light.

But then something appeared.

A figure , standing there with a crazed grin on there face, there spiky blond hair looked as if they could cut metal.

They ran towards me, until they were interrupted by a giant explosion.

I was falling again, i don't know how I could tell, it was only more darkness.

Suddenly my vision filled with color, it was a bright field , filled with flowers, the sun was shining and in the center of it all laid a boy. He was  sitting on a blanket , staring out into the field. He had a head of fuzzy green hair. I could feel happiness radiating off him. He had a flower crown wrapped around his head and a pile of flowers next to him.

I ran towards the boy , craving his happiness , his carefree nature, his peacefulness. Before suddenly feeling a sharp pain in my thighs.

I looked down to find thorns digging into them, leaving bloody lines. I kept on running , I couldn't give up I was so close. The thorns only multiplied until I was entangled in them like a web, blood running down my mangled body and onto the white and yellow flowers that littered the field.

The green hair boy noticed me and walked closer, humming to himself.

   "Oh kacchan how did you end up here , you don't deserve any of this happiness , I can finally be happy here and your just messing it up ... I wish things could have been different but , I guess you'll always just be a villain." He chuckled as the roots surrounding me pulled me towards the ground, sucking me under and Into a veil of darkness once more.

I felt like I was drowning, I couldn't get air into my lungs, the suffocating feeling wouldn't go away. I suddenly saw my classmates, all staring at me with hate in here eyes. I sunk back as they yelled at me.

      "How weak could you be"

       "You don't deserve to be here"


I sobbed as they continued to chant those words.

      "I-I know that..please I know ....I know I'm weak.."I pleaded, but there voices only got louder until the only thing I could hear where there harsh words.

       "Maybe you should do everyone a favor and take your own advice, go swan dive off the roof " I heard kirishimas voice say amongst all the others, his was the loudest , it rang in my ear even after everything faded, leaving me in darkness once more.

I once again saw the figure, There ash blond hair, there crazed grin. it was me, I was that monster.

      "Look at what you've become, your a weakling, letting those thoughts take control of you , there all right you know , it's all your fault for turning out this way , why do you think all this is happening, it's punishment , you deserve it" the figure chided, sending large explosions my way. I tried to dodge them but I felt glued to where I stood. The explosions hit me full force sending me flying back towards a brick wall. I shut my eyes tightly on impact.

When I opened my eyes I was surrounded by villains. Dabi sparked fire in his hands and neared me with a smirk on his face while toga grabbed her knife and went to attack me. I squeezed my eyes tightly, shaking in fear. I felt the warmth of the flame sting my face. He then grabbed my neck with his enflamed hand , I felt the the intense heat char my skin causing me to scream out in pain. I heard him chuckle as the heat got more painful.

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