Chapter 28: Lunch time trauma buddies

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Todoroki P.O.V

Bakugos run off.

After he told us about midoriya he ran off mumbling something about not wanting to be manipulated again.

I knew what he meant.

I darted after him as soon as I heard the bathroom door slam.

"Bakugo..! Please open the door..!" I yelled while banging my fist onto the hard metal door.

"G-go away please..I won't let you break me ..I won't.." me mumbled , he seemed to be in a state of panic.

"Bakugo we weren't trying to manipulate you we were just worried've become distant and you've been coming to school with bandages ...please who's hurting you... what did the villains do to you to make you like this.."

       "They.. I was helpless okay ...I let them hurt me..they enjoyed ..they f**king enjoyed it... " he muttered.

I felt my heart shatter.

When we had found bakugo everyone could admit that he looked pretty beat up, he had tons of bruises and  cuts on his arms most likely from toga but he never said anything about it that gave anyone visable insight to what went down in there, no one said it out loud but everyone could tell that something had happened, he had grown timid and quieter than before and his once firey crimson red eyes had dulled.

      "Bakugo it will be okay just let me in..please."I begged.

I heard him shuffle and the lock click.

I opened the door slowly to see his hunched over form staring at the ground , snot and tears running down his face.

"Look away from me icy-hot ...just look away.." he mumbled.  wiping the tears and snot off his face.

He had taken off his eye patch and I could now see a large black eye that seemed to still be swelling underneath it.

I was about to ask what happened but as the blond let out a little sniffle i decided against it.

"Why are you here.. come and get me to spill something ..I'm not some weakling...n..none of this effected me I'm completely fine.." he spat out, though I could hear the pain in his voice.

      "Bakugo you can't just push your feelings aside like this and expect them to go away ..I did that for years and look where it got me. I know part of what your going through , I understand what you feeling right now and I want to help.." We neared and bench and I sat down , ushering for bakugo to follow, he sat down with his head hung low.

       "But this is different your not s-so damn weak ...I-I ...let them hurt me...torture me..I couldn't do a thing.... deep down I know I f**king deserved it" he whispered, he sounded so unlike bakugo that I realized his mask ran deeper than this, the anger he used to hide his true feelings had become a part of him.

      "Bakugo listen .. you are not weak ..if it was anyone else it would have turned out the don't deserve what they did to you either ... no one deserves that bakugo please understand.." I grasped his hands and looked into with a determined look on my face.

He simply avoided my gaze as more tears rolled down his pale cheeks.

"T-thats Not all either ... I'm s-still hey reminded how  imperfect I am every day.. if I'm not perfect I p-pay for it..." Bakugo whispered, slowly curling into a ball against the back of the bench

I kneeled down next to him and spoke softly.

"Bakugo are you getting abused at home...?"

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