Chapter 38: Fixing the problem with unintended consequneces

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A/n: sorry for the random image I didn't have another Bakugo image at the moment and with all that's going to happen this chapter I needed some wholesomeness

Tw: slight mention of self-harm

Bakugos P.O.V

It's freezing here, there's barely any warmth and the chains feel like ice against my skin.

I tried to curl in on myself to contain body heat but it isn't working, its so cold.

The loneliness was crushing, I felt so alone, so numb, like reality wasn't even real anymore. Like this was all some twisted nightmare.

If that was the case why couldn't I just wake up. Or just die, why could I just die.

suddenly I heard the shuffle of feet outside of my room as the door slowly creaked open to the ice cold room.

      "Wake up..we need you for something.." Dabis voice snapped, cutting through the silence like a knife and forcing me to flinch.

I stayed motionless in the corner of the room as he picked me up by my chains and dragged me across the cold wooden floor. I whimpered amd attempted to fight back but in the end gave up as my legs were to weak to even stand.

After that I stayed silent while I was being dragged across the hallway until he stopped in front of a metal door, knocking on it until someone opened it.

      "Brought the better hope this new formula works.." He said in a dull tone, grabbing my hair and pulling me into the room, setting me down on a chair and strapping me with leather restraints.

      "Here kid take some of this.." Shigaraki said , grabbing a needle and injecting it into my skin, I tried to kick and pull away but he held it there until all of the glowing liquid was imputed into my body.

     "W-what the hell.." I yelled, my arm stung and felt like jello as the liquid turned my skin black.

      "Alright put this on him.." He picked up a helmet attached to a machine by some wires and put it on my head.

     "Flip the switch and dabi put on the other one.." He yelled.

      "Whatever.." He sat down in the other chair and slid on the other helmet with a sigh.

Suddenley I felt something inside of me shift like something was crawling through my veins, I hated the feeling. It felt like I was being torn apart and put back together again, like everything I was was getting sucked away.

I couldn't help but yell out as my finger nails dig into the wooden chair. I couldn't just let whatever they were trying to do happen I had to fight against them.

I began to thrash around violently , finally breaking one of the leather restraints and using it to rip out the wires, my arm was now a darker tone of gray and I attempted to make an explosion in it, it ultimately failed and instead produced a small blue flame. I growled and launched in at the entire machine, engulfing it in flames.

      "Y-you bastards what did you do.." I yelled as tears began to fall down my face from pain. I felt like I wasn't in my right mind.

      "Contain him.." Shigaraki said, pointing at me.

Dabi took this opportunity and sprinted at me, launching a quirk that looked awfully similar to my own.

I dodged it went for his face with blue flames. Any use of the new found quirk seemed to make my body scream in agony so I used my left hand to fly up with explosions instead of the fire.

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