Chapter 6: Past tramua

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Tw: suicide and abuse ( in a flash back)

Bakugos P.O.V

    "Okay problem children here's your team bandannas, tie them around your arms or legs or whatever just make sure it's visible, the match will start momentarily.." He handed me and kiri a light blue bandana before walking over to Monoma and teko, handing them a red bandanna.

We had been waiting for a couple minutes in awkward silence, No one wanting to break the tension.I let out a small sigh and tied the fabric around my arm, knotting it tightly. Kirishima tied it  around his left leg and I saw both copy cat and emo tie it around there right arm in perfect sync.

     "Are you ready bakubro..?" Kirishima asked me. I simple nodded in response with a scowl still on my face. I wanted to pass out right then and there but then I'd be seen as weak ,a hero would tough it out, a hero wouldn't lie to everyone.

      "Alright everyone your sparring starts in 1 minute , and you have till the end of the period.." Aizawas voice rang through the stadium.

Kirishima smiled and banged his hands together while eyeing down the competition. I let out a weak explosion in the palm of my hand and attempted to put on a threatening expression. Monoma and Teko smirked at us as Monoma showed purple flame in his hand. That must be tekos quirk he has , unless he got it from someone else when we were all standing around.

     "Okay problem children you may begin , try not to seriously injure someone" Aizawa said in a montone voice as noise filled the arena. Kirishimas  body hardened and he ran at Monoma, I followed him, using my explosions to keep next to him. Some purple flames were launched at me but I quickly dodged them and blasted Monoma in the face. jumping back as more flames came my way.

Kirishima was fighting with teko, dodging his flames and landing a couple punches as well. I smirked and turned to blast Monoma but found that he had disappeared.

     "What the hell-" I muttered but then I saw that he had snuck up behind me. I turned to blast him but he had already touched me. I cursed and launched another explosion his way which he easily countered with the stolen quirk.

        "Damn coward" I cursed while blasting him continuously in anger. Feeling my explosions get bigger the more I launched them.

I jumped back and blasted him with the biggest explosion yet, this time it actually hit him and caused him to jump back. I smirked even though my arms now felt like jello. Monoma turned to Teko and nodded at him , Teko smirked and seemed to omit a dark aura.

   "You think you've won huh blasty~  your stupid if you think we're backing down without a fight you haven't even experienced my partners true power." Monoma taunted.

I was about to explode his face off but then I saw Teko ,who seemed to be staring at me, holding a purple flame in his hand.

It looked ghostly unlike his other ones. I suddenly felt my vision go hazy as the arena faded away.

I was back in my bedroom. I looked around in confusion but then heard yelling coming from downstairs.

    "YOU BRAT GET DOWN HERE" I heard my mother scream. I felt my throat go dry as I slowly walked to the door, still slightly confused as to where I was.  Fear quickly replaced my confusion as when I attempted to open the door  it was like it was glued shut, this wasn't good she wasn't going to like this very much. I heard the sound of heavy footsteps as she walked up the stairs, I could sense anger radiating off her.

She slammed the door open, her face teeming with rage and the strong smell of alcohol omitting off of her. I squeaked and shrunk back against the wall of my room.

      "W-What did I do.." I tried to plead with her but I knew when she was like this she only wanted to hurt me even if I hadn't done anything. She glared at me and winded back her fist, giving me a harsh punch to the gut. I felt a sob escape my lips as she continued to pummel  me with punches until I was curled up on the floor, a sobbing mess.

    "THAT WILL TEACH YOU TO TALK BACK TO YOUR MOTHER" she yelled at me before slamming the door and walking down the stairs. I stayed there on the ground , my body on fire. I was about to attempt to sit up but the scene faded and I was once again greeted by darkness.

The next scene that was produced was the villains hideout. I stood up quickly and glanced around , feeling my blood run cold. I saw all of them there , now staring at me with glee in there eyes. (Except shigaraki) I gulped and backed up.

     "Welcome back bakugo-Chan" toga giggled, holding her signature knife and making her way towards my shaking form .Dabi smirked as well and started following behind her with his flame in hand. I backed up further until I hit a wall.

     "P-please.." I pleaded as they neared me.

    "N-no m-more..Not again" I begged shrinking against the wall. They all smirked and I shut my eyes tightly, preparing myself for what I knew was coming. But it never came as I felt the scene fade away Once again.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was at my old middle school in one of the classrooms. I saw my younger self along with two of my old friends.

    "Why don't you go and take a swan dive off the roof-" I heard my younger self finish saying. I internally cringed and felt more tears cloud my vision. I didn't want to remember this . This was the lowest moment in my life , I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if he had actually done what I had suggested. I was disgusting , I even had a smile still glued on my face while my old friends laughed. I saw deku run out of the classroom and I followed behind him.

    "Why Kacchan" he asked as he turned around , staring straight at me with his heart breaking frown.

     "You're a monster" deku said with a glare before turning around and walking up the steps of the building. His footsteps echoing across the empty school.

    "W-What the hell  are you doing..?!" I yelled at him, chasing after him as he began running up the steps.

     "What you told me to do Kacchan" He said as he shoved the door to the roof open.

    "NO .. I-I didn't mean it I'm sorry please just please don't ..please" I pleaded , new tears began streaming down my face.  He only walked closer to the edge of the building with a sad smile on his face.

    "Now you care ... you didn't care before  so why should you care now ..I thought you wanted me gone ...goodbye Kacchan .." with that he took a final step and plummeted towards he ground.

    "NO – n-no no no no no I'm sorry I didn't mean it .. I swear I didn't.." I turned away and sobbed the world around me once again turning black. I can't handle this much longer what is happening is it that guys quirk. More thoughts were racing through my head as I squeezed my eyes tightly.

I suddenly heard sound again , it sounded like reality but it had to be a trick , I wouldn't be freed so easily. I kept my eyes shut tight and felt myself shake in fear, the voices were all muffled and they seemed to be surrounding me.

     "..akugo...Bakugo..?!" I heard a voice, I slowly opened my eyes to see kiri looking down at me. I realized I was on the floor with my knees to my chest and tears flowing freely down my face.

      "Kiri.." I mumbled, my eyelids growing heavy.

      "Hey I'm here it alright ......-" his voice was cut off as I slowly drifted to sleep, my body finally succumbing to exhaustion.

———————————————————————————A/n: well this was an emotional roller coaster sorry about the first part I tried to make it smooth but I'm not very good at fight scenes and just wanted to get to the point , the next chapter will be kirishimas point of view

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