Chapter 25: The mall (part 2)

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Tw: anxiety and self-hate

Sorry if there's some mistakes I'll proof read it soon

Bakugos P.O.V

Damn weird hair.

He so caring.

I don't deserve him.

As soon as we got to the mall he began chatting with me excitedly, it made my heart flutter every time he smiled.

Once we found the bakusquad we all said are hellos and began walking around the mall. There were a lot of people around as it was a weekend so, we had to navigate carefully. I couldn't help but shrink back as I hated people crowding around me ,giving me no chance to run away like the coward I was.

I saw Kirishima looking at me and I realized I was trailing behind the group. I quickly scowled at him and ran back up to them as, I didn't wanna cause any unnecessary attention to be put on me.

      "To the escalator..!" I heard Mina yell out after some time, they must have been having a conversation but I had tunned it out.

I let out a quiet chuckle at her enthusiasm but noticed Kirishima looking at me so I stopped, he began to walk next to me and chat with me as I hadn't said much since we got there.

I suddenly heard denki comment something that made me turn beet red.

"Hurry up you to you can make out later.." he chuckled and was about to turn away but I growled and launched a warning explosions.

"Damn pikachu.." I growled. While walking closer to him

"Your dead sparky"I grinned and began to chase after him.

He ran away yelling apologies as I chased after him until we reached the top of the escalator.

"Hope you learned your lesson pikachu.." I hissed as I finished exploding his face.

"Yesss im sorrryyyy.." he yelled while the rest of the group slowly made there way up the escalator.

     "You better be sorry.." I growled at him.

     "Now let's go to the f*nking clothes store" I grumbled.

The rest of the group ran up ahead and Kirishima reached for my arm to drag me along.

I felt a harsh pain as he pulled on my bruised arm but I only pulled away once we arrived at the store, tears pricking my eyes though I quickly blinked them back.

I heard Mina yelling something about jeans and denki and sero laughing along with her while kiri said something to me but the amount of noise that I was hearing had over whelmed my senses so I tunned it all out.

I only began to move when I saw kirishimas blurry figure walking somewhere.

     "Bakugo..are you okay..?" He asked me.

That damn question again, I hated it.

     "M'fine.." I mumbled, more tears forming and one dripping down my cheek.

I heard him ramble all the reasons why I was not okay but I tunned him out once more and attempted to wipe my eyes before more tears followed. I wasn't going to show him how weak I was again.

     "Please just leave it ..I'm fine.." I pleaded, I just wanted this conversation to be over.

"Okay.. I trust you'll tell me when your ready is there any clothes you want...?there on me..!" He grinned.

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