Chapter 27: Monday mornings

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Bakugos P.O.V

I got what was coming to me the second I walked through the doorway.

She was sitting on the couch with a sour look on her face, beer cans sat on the table next to her.

I gulped and shut the door quietly, I hated when she got like this, blackout drunk. You could barely tell but ,there was only one thing on her mind when she got  like this and that was pure rage and hatred. Which was being directed towards me

      "Where were you.." her voice was threatening and she kept her eyes glued to me.

I shifted uncomfortably before giving her an answer.

    "I was at the mall with some friends..I'm sorry for not telling you Ma'm..." I mumbled apologetically, there was a rare chance that it might work but it seemed like this time was not one of them.

     "You brat.. I'm your mother you don't sneak out of this f**king house, if I want you here, I want you here have no say in where you can go ..without me you wouldn't be alive brat and don't forget it." she hissed out threateningly. Whole storming over to me, her teeth grinding together like I used to do.

I felt my legs slowly backing up from her as her figure loomed over me.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my cheek, which brought tears to my eyes.

      "You f**king brat..." She raised her fist and punched me in the stomach. I winced and attempted to shield myself from her blows but, I probably deserved it anyways.

By the time she was finished taking her rage out on me I was a sobbing mess on the floor, I still had another day of torture before I could go back to school , why did I have to deal with this..No I deserved it .. as punishment for all my other flaws, my imperfections.

I laid there and cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

Once Monday rolled around it only grew worse.

Sunday had been pure he*l as I was forced to clean every inch of the house from top to bottom, my mother smacking me if I wasn't fast enough. My limbs still ached and I had a slightly visable limp from a particularly nasty bruise on my ankle.

I felt exhausted when I rose up from my mattress at the crack of dawn. The nightmares  keeping me up all night and giving me no relief from my meaningless life.

I slowly stood up on my shaky limbs and trudged to the bathroom.

I looked hideous, my eyes were dull, my face was beaten up and my hair was drooped unnaturally.

     She hadn't gone easy on me on Sunday either , not letting up on the relentless slaps and kicks that came with accidentally talking back. They left purple bruises that were scattered around my body , with a couple even located on my face though no one would even care enough to notice anything was up.

I began to get ready for school by slipping on my wrinkled school uniform and jeans, as well as performing personal hygiene such as brushing my teeth and hair.

Next I bandaged my arms and slipped on an eye patch as my black eye was still visible. My body felt sore and my limbs could barely function but I tried my best to ignore it.

Once I looked presentable enough I limped out of the bathroom and slipped on my shoes before grabbing my backpack and sneaking down stairs.

My mother seemed to be passed out on the couch once again so I was able to sneak around her and make my way out the door and Into the quiet morning.

The sun had not yet rose as it was still early but I had decided to get up as I wasn't going to get anymore sleep no matter how hard I wanted to.

As I began my long walk to school my thoughts slowly drifted back to Kirishima and how I had run away from him like the coward I was, he was just trying to help and I shoved him away. I shouldn't have but I couldn't let him stare at me with those sad eyes for another second , the guilt was unbearable.

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