Chapter 31: True feelings and class talks

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A/n: I love this picture of Bakugo screaming lol. And just for clarification this takes place the next morning which is a Tuesday. Also this chapters going to be good.

Tw: self-hate and mentions of abuse.

This one is also not proof read

Bakugos P.O.V

I woke up to the sunlight shining on my face.

Warm arms were wrapped around my torso.

It was kiri.

I blushed beet red and slowly laid back down.

The memories of the night prior  came flooding back almost instantly, I had another panic attack in front of Kirishima , how weak could I be, I was pitiful.


My body ached from being stuck in one position for so long and I felt terrible. It was all my fault though.

The nurse had bandaged me up in a thick gauze as she had discovered that I had a broken rib, and lots of bruises, along with the assortment of cuts that littered my torso. Just peachy.

I slowly escaped kirishimas grasp, careful not to wake the sleeping red head, and sneaked into the bathroom to stare at myself in the mirror.

My hair was poofy, my eyes had heavy bags under them and my face was pale. I looked dull, and lifeless .

Sometimes I wondered if it was really worth it to go on another day, each day was just getting harder than the last, no one cared, they shouldn't, if I disappeared though it would still effect him..Kirishima. Despite the strong urge to follow my own advice that I had given deku all those years ago I thought about doing the next best thing.

I slowly unraveled my bandages that lined my arms and set them to the side in a neat piles.

      "I look like trash.." I muttered, letting out a hollow chuckle, grabbing the sides of the sink and letting quiet sobs escape me. Tears were cascading down my face and dripping into the sink.

I was so f**king pitiful, all the emotions from the night before came flooding back in a strong wave of tears and self-hatred.

I couldn't bare to look at myself in the mirror. They would find me and take me again..everyone knew that...I was just pathetic, why did they insist on pretending, I'd rather them just tell me they hate me at least then i won't be pitied.

I lowered my head as more tears kept flowing out of my eyes, my legs felt shaky and my throat was dry.

      "Bakugo..?" A voice muttered from outside of the bathroom, I turned my head cautiously before realizing it was Kirishima.

      "Y-yeah.." I croaked out,  making no move to leave the bathroom, I only gripped the sink tighter, my shallow breaths being the only sound present in the room.

I sunk down to the floor and hugged my knees , once again sobbing , I didn't even care anymore i was done with attempting to put my mask up.

I heard Kirishima shuffle around in the other room until he suddenly appeared in the doorway.

      "Bakugo what's wrong ..are you okay..?" He asked in a worried voice , he sat down next to were i sat against the bathroom wall.

       "Im sorry kiri..I can't do it..I'm sorry for last night I freaked out..I know I was safe it wasn't your fault I'm so weak.." I mumbled, slowly rocking back and forth.

      "Bakugo your not weak for this I've say it before and I will say it again, you aren't weak for being scared , for being sad, there natural human emotions your only don't need to keep all of this bottled up inside you like this it's not healthy..please stop putting up a mask like this I can tell it hurts you every time.." he begged me.

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