Chapter 32: The dreaded parent day

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A/n: just a cute photo I found.

Bakugos P.O.V (again)

The rest of the school day passed by in a blur, Kirishima stuck with me for most of it which at least made the it bearable but my thoughts still drifted back to this morning more often than they should have, by the time the last bell rung I was exhausted.

Despite my bodies constant protests I slowly made my way to hero training which was technically my last class though it took place after school on some days.

Kirishima pushed the locker room doors open as we reached them and I walked in behind him,most of the people still there were busy changing so I quickly slipped my hero uniform on, ignoring the questioning glances from some of the class, and storming out of the locker room before Kirishima was even finished.

I was on the verge of tears again. I didn't know why but I suddenly felt a wave of sadness pour onto my fragile figure. The bottled up emotions  that had been drilling a hole in my chest returned full force  and didnt spare me from there effects.

I shook violently and wiped the tears out of my eyes, why did I have to feel like this.

"F**king weak.." I spat out and walked towards the rest of the class with a scowl. They must have noticed my puffy eyes as the nerd walked up to me.

"Bakugo are you okay your eyes are all red.."

"SHUT THE HELL UP DEKU.." I snapped in signature Bakugo style, though this time it hurt to even yell that loud.

The voices were back.. even louder this time.


One hissed


Another yelled

Go die

Maybe I will I thought to myself.

I took a deep breath and stuck my broken mask back on my face.

"What are you looking at ..go die.." I muttered. The stress from everything was looming over my head , making me extra angry.

The rest of hero training went without a hitch, I got lost in the battle and temporarily forgot about my problems but after it was over I felt the familiar feeling return, by the time I dragged myself into bed that night I was exhausted.

(A/n: sorry for the weird time skip I just figured you wouldn't want to read about another pointless battle that Dosent advance the story much)

I had ditched Kirishima after dinner, explaining that I just wanted to be alone.. why was I such a jerk. I didn't deserve friends.

Suddenly my phone rang in my pocket.

I reached for it and checked who it was, it was my mother.

I clicked the answer button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello..?" I asked , trying to keep a calm voice though I was the opposite of calm , she was scary even through the phone.

"Guess what I got in the mail brat.." she said in a suprisingly quiet voice.

"W-what.." I muttered, hoping my voice crack wasn't audiable.

"You have a parent teacher day tomorrow and I'm behave yourself..I want to see if you really are cut out to be a hero which with how weak you are I highly doubt it..." She stated.

Somehow those words hurt worse than all the times she beat me to a pulp , she must have been sober as she was never this calm , maybe she had company over or maybe she ran out of money, it didn't matter to me they still cut me deep.

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