Chapter 45: Girl Girl Girl

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Thursday, April 2nd, 1987

I decided that today I was going to stop by Nikki's home to see if there was some way, we could work something out. The threats were too much, and I became a paranoid mess hiring up to 5 security guards to be at my photo shoots. Tamara even started questioning me about it. I just had to tell her that I felt like someone was stalking me. She of course agreed to have the security.

The car stopped in front of Nikki's house and I pressed his buzzer and waited for him to come out. I pressed it again and again but to my disappointment, he wasn't answering.

"Hey there, you looking for Nikki?"

I got out of the car to see who was talking to me. I looked across the street and noticed an elderly man standing on his porch.

"Hi yes I am, have you seen him?"

"Not since he left this morning. But last night he was causing all sorts of noise and ruckus. He was crawling around his yard naked with his shotgun screaming and yelling like a maniac. Someone has seriously got to get that boy help or move him out of this neighborhood. We don't need his kind disturbing the good people on this block." He ranted.

"Um OK, thanks." That is all I could say.

I got back into the car and had the driver drive me over to Vince's place I was hoping that he would know where Nikki was. I arrived at his house and I saw Vince walk outside with a couple of bags in his hand.

"Vince!" I called out to him.

"Hey Darling, what's up?

"Nothing much I wanted to talk to you about something serious." I was about to talk until I saw his limo driver come out with more bags. "You going on tour or something?" I asked looking at his bags.

"Nope, I'm heading down to Palm Springs. I need to keep myself busy and I need a break." He says handing the driver his bag.

"Palm Springs?" I say furrowing my brows. "Never heard of that place.

"Well, now I think you should come with me." He says taking off his glasses.

"Uh yeah no, first off Tamara would kill me. Secondly, after that, she would call my mom. And then lastly, my mom would kill me. Plus, I don't even have any clothes packed. How long are you staying for?"

"Two weeks so we'll be back on the 11th and you can buy clothes there. Trust me Mani it's a stress-free place. You can do Yoga, play golf, there's a spa, plenty of shopping malls-"

"Shopping malls." I smiled interrupting him.

A huge grin was plastered on Vince's face. "Oh yeah, the biggest mall you could ever imagine."

"Let's say if I joined you, what would I tell Tamara and Jess? And I would need a toothbrush, underwear, sponge, soap, clothes, shoes, bags-"

"You can tell Jess the truth because she's cool and as for those other things we can get them down at the stores when we go there."

"OK." I hesitated a bit. "I need your phone."

Jess's car pulled up to Vince's place I could see the anger in her eyes as she got out of the car and approached us. "Palm Springs...Palm Springs. Are you out of your mind!" She shouted. "Oh, come on Jess tell me it doesn't sound like fun." I pleaded. "I know it's fun, but you can't just all of a sudden say you want to go to Palm Springs because he is going." She pointed at Vince who was leaning against his car with his arms crossed against his chest grinning. "Besides, I would never allow you to go on your own."

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