Chapter 1

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"War is unavoidable!" Yvaine flinched as King Hakan slammed his fist against the wooden table. The sound echoed throughout the room. He bared his teeth in an angry snarl. His black hair hung over his eyes, making him look more like a wolf than anything. Yvaine averted her eyes to the ground, waiting for what would come next.

The Telmarine Grand Council had been assembled for hours already. They had been discussing the growing tensions with their neighbor across the mountains, Narnia. Yvaine wasn't even supposed to be there, but her father had permitted her to come this one time. Lord Batur Shula was seated near the King. Yvaine shifted on her feet uncomfortably.

"My Lord, surely there is some way we can find a path to peace?" Batur said quietly. "Telmar has faced enough war. We are at peace with almost all of our neighbors. Our soldiers are tired and just returned home from the last war. So many died that would have to be replaced. We aren't strong enough for..."

"Not strong enough?" Hakan bellowed. Yvaine grimaced at her father's error. "Telmar will have no difficulty destroying those pathetic Narnians.

Yvaine narrowed her eyes as the King continued to speak. It sounds to me like he wants us to go to war. Why, though? Why are things so bad with Narnia anyway? Out of all of our neighbors, they have been the least troublesome. Every book I've read says that the Narnians are peaceful. What could they have done to provoke us?

"Let us at least listen to King Edmund's appeal," Batur continued when the King had ceased his ranting. That caught her attention. "Maybe he can be reasonable."

Hakan sniffed disgustedly. "King Peter should have come himself. I don't appreciate talking about such matters with children. We will hear him, but I doubt it will solve any problems. I'm tired of talking about this. Let's adjourn this meeting."

Everyone stood as the King did. They all bowed. King Hakan didn't acknowledge them. He simply left the room. Yvaine curtsied when he walked past, hoping he wouldn't question her presence. He didn't seem to care. King Hakan glanced at her from the corner of his eye, but said nothing. Batur waved her along, finally.

"I didn't know King Edmund was coming," she said. They made their way through the stone halls of the palace. A carriage was waiting for them in the courtyard outside. It was already late. They'd been in the meeting longer than she'd thought.

"I just found out yesterday," her father replied. "King Peter is sending him to form a peace treaty."

"Do you think he'll be successful?"

Batur shrugged. "They don't call him Edmund the Just for nothing, I suppose. He won't be the problem. The problem will be convincing King Hakan to listen to him, but I'm afraid he won't. He's already set on war."

Yvaine knit her brows together and tugged her brown braid over a shoulder, toying with the end of it. "Why, though? We need nothing from Narnia."

"Yvaine, think. You've read everything there is on Narnia. What is something they have that we don't? Something Hakan may desperately want?"

Yvaine bit her lip. "Magic," she said at last. "But magic can't be moved from one place to another. That means Hakan would have to conquer Narnia and live there himself." Her eyes widened. "What if he means to murder King Edmund while he's here?"

Batur waved his hands, silencing her. "I doubt even Hakan is that bold. Just to be sure, though, I will attend the Narnian king myself. You are a smart girl, Yvaine."

She managed a small smile at her father's praise, despite the misgivings she still felt. "King Hakan did have one good point. If King Peter is the High King of Narnia, why isn't he coming? Why send his younger brother?"

Batur shrugged. "Who knows why Narnians do anything? It may be that King Edmund is in charge of their foreign affairs. Maybe he's the best at brokering deals. Perhaps the High King is ill and unable to come. Whatever the reason, it's Edmund who is coming."

Yvaine pursed her lips. She knew her father was getting tired of her questions. He always was after the first three. She couldn't help it though. Like her mother, Yvaine had been born curious. Everything intrigued her, especially Narnia.

She didn't press her father for further answers. She just leaned her head into her palm and watched the city go by. Eventually, the carriage stopped and they stepped out before their home. Yvaine wasted no time in running to her rooms.

She flung the door open and closed it again, leaning against the wood breathlessly. Her friend and handmaiden, Evolet, leaped off the edge of Yvaine's bed and ran over to her. "What is it? Are you all right? Did you get in trouble?" Evolet gushed.

Yvaine grinned broadly. "I'm fine. Everything is fine. Actually, it's better than fine."

Evolet pulled her towards the bed. The two of them sat down. Yvaine crossed her legs, making Evolet wait. "Tell me!" The blonde haired girl exclaimed finally.

"King Edmund is coming to Telmar."

Evolet's mouth dropped open. "Are you serious? You mean King Edmund of Narnia, right?"

Yvaine nodded. "I'm very serious. Father told me just today. He is coming to secure a peace treaty so there won't be a war. I don't know when he's supposed to arrive. Soon, I'm sure."

Evolet ran a hand back through her hair, her eyes wide with surprise. "That's amazing. Do you think you'll get to speak with him?"

"I hope so." Yvaine crossed her arms, thinking. "I'll definitely try to. I have so many questions about Narnia, and Aslan, and about Edmund and his siblings."

"Believe me, I know. I've read your notes," Evolet giggled.

Yvaine rolled her eyes and pulled a notebook out of a drawer in her dresser. She opened it up to a clean page and grabbed a pencil. She quickly began to scribble a few questions down. Why are there tensions between Narnia and Telmar? Will there be any solutions? What are your ideas? What do your siblings think about the situation? Are you at ease in Telmar or are you fearful?

It was something her mother had taught her when she was still young. "When you have so many questions, it can be hard to keep them straight. Write them down so that you will remember them when the time comes. Memorize them. Plan out which ones to ask first. Always be prepared," her mother had said.

Evolet raised an eyebrow at the last question. "Are you sure you should ask that one? He may become suspicious that something will happen and leave."

Yvaine lifted her hazel gaze after a second. "Maybe I can word it differently. Although, I'm not so sure that something won't happen. I wouldn't put it past King Hakan. He seems very keen on the idea of war. Father thinks it's because the King wants Narnia's magic." She thought for a minute, then scratched out the question and rewrote it. How was your reception in Telmar and what is your perception of us?

Evolet nodded approvingly. "That looks much better. I doubt he'll be so overrun by your questions now."

Yvaine laughed. "I have pages of questions in here. I doubt I'll run out anytime soon. I'll try to go slowly though, for his sake."

"That's true. Just remember to give him time to answer in between your questions." Evolet moved behind Yvaine and began to unbraid her hair. "You should get some rest. It seems the next few days will be busy. I'll have to find us some new dresses too, in case there are any balls."

Yvaine nodded, then grimaced as Evolet pulled a pin from her hair. Finally, her long hair was free. She grabbed a brush and smoothed it out, before changing into her nightgown. Evolet began blowing out candles and preparing her bed. Yvaine slid under the thin covers and let out a contented sigh. Evolet whispered a goodnight as she slipped out the door.

Yvaine glanced towards the open window near her bed. A soft ocean breeze blew the curtains away from the window. They rustled softly. Her gaze drifted towards the darkening sky. A few stars were already glistening overhead. Yvaine grabbed her notebook again and wrote down yet another question. What do Narnian stars look like? She let the notebook slip out of her hand. Yvaine drifted to sleep, letting images of roaring lions and valiant kings fill her dreams.

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