Chapter 7

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    "You look beautiful, your Majesty," Lady Merredin cooed. Queen Mira twirled in front of them, showing off the folds of her new gold dress.

    "I had my seamstresses working double time to get it finished," Queen Mira smirked. "I'm mostly pleased with the results."

    Yvaine kept her expression neutral, despite the annoyance she felt. It had been that way all day and was only getting worse. With each dress and vain comment the Queen made, Yvaine found herself growing more and more frustrated. At least Evolet was still beside her.

    "Well, Ladies, our ball begins in four hours. That's enough time for you to try on your gowns." Queen Mira clapped her hands. "Dalli, Jas, come here." Her two seamstresses stumbled into the room. They looked half asleep and completely out of sorts. "You'll be altering their gowns as they try them on. Get to it."

    They curtsied and entered a closet. When they returned, there were enough gowns in their arms for each of the ladies. Dalli held up an emerald green one. "For Lady Merredin," she said quietly.

    Lady Merredin flounced to the front of the room, smiling proudly. They pulled the curtain in front of her. She was dressed in the gown when she stepped back out.

    Yvaine groaned and rolled her eyes as the compliments began. She let her thoughts carry her away from the insufferable room. How am I going to learn what is really happening in regards to the war? I already know King Edmund won't tell me. Not yet, anyway. None of these ladies care enough to learn anything. Even if they did, I don't think they'd remember what they heard. I doubt Father would and none of the other Council members will. Maybe there's a guard who would tell me. She pursed her lips. No, they would report it to King Hakan immediately. My best bet will be to spy on them myself, or to convince King Edmund or my father to tell me.

    The hour passed slowly, followed by another. Evolet jabbed her in the ribs, suddenly. Yvaine fought back a startled cry. Queen Mira gave her a condescending stare. "Well, Yvaine? It's your turn."

    Her cheeks flushed as she stood and made her way behind the curtain. Yvaine shrugged out of her dress and let Dalli and Jas stuff her into a navy blue one. They moved the curtain aside, revealing her.

    Queen Mira tilted her head. "Take the waist in more."

    The seamstresses exchanged glances, but obeyed. Yvaine turned for them and they began to stitch her up in the dress. She grimaced, feeling the needle graze against her skin a few times. They ceased finally and turned her back.

    "No, no. Tighten the stays," Lady Merredin called.

    The girls pulled the curtain back and slid the dress down far enough so they could reach the stays. Yvaine gasped for breath as they tightened the strings. They pulled the dress back up and turned her around again, before removing the curtain.

    "Much better," Queen Mira said. "That's all of us, then. We've only got an hour left, so let's finish our preparations."

    Evolet dashed over to Yvaine and ushered her into their appointed room. She grabbed a brush and ran it through Yvaine's long hair. "How do you want it done?"

    "However you like," Yvaine replied.

    Evolet started it off as usual, with a braided crown above her hairline. She divided the rest of Yvaine's hair into two long braids and twisted them up at the nape of her neck. She stuck a few diamond studded pins into her hair. They gave the illusion of raindrops.

    Yvaine leaned against the vanity. "Are you all right?" Ev asked.

    "This is way too tight."

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