Chapter 29

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    Yvaine locked herself in her room the minute they got home. She heard Evolet and Batur climb the stairs behind her. She had no clue where Edmund had gone, but she assumed he was still at the palace.

    Yvaine sat down at her vanity and stared at her reflection. She gritted her teeth in anger. He can't just do that! They can't force me into something like this. How could Father agree? And Hakan knew that we broke into his office all along? Why didn't he say something?

    She grabbed a pair of scissors and pulled her long hair over her shoulders. Without a second thought, Yvaine began to cut it. She didn't stop until it was as short as Lucy's and hung between her shoulder blades. He won't use that as a way to identify me again.

    A fist pounded on the door. "Yvaine, come out, please," Evolet called.

    Yvaine slumped over her vanity and drew in a few shuddering breaths. Finally, she stood and unlocked the door. Evolet's eyes widened, taking in her hair, but she said nothing. Batur's mouth dropped open.

    "Your hair." He touched her head gently. "Why did you cut it?"

    "Because it was getting too long," Yvaine replied.

    "But you never cut it that short. I thought you liked keeping it long, like your mother's."

    "How could you do this? Why would you agree to that?" Yvaine demanded, ignoring his comment.

    "I didn't want to. I tried everything I could to keep them from making this arrangement, but Hakan gave me no choice." Batur lowered his head. "He told me what you helped King Edmund do. He said that if I didn't comply and give you over to Javaid, he would expose your actions and have you executed."

    "And what's to stop him from doing that anyway? You know I hate Lord Javaid. You knew I wouldn't want this!" Yvaine stiffened as a tear dripped down her cheek. She brushed it away. It took all of her self control to keep the others from falling.

    "Yvaine, you need to talk to Edmund and find out what's going on," Evolet said softly.

    "That won't be possible. You've been barred from the palace until the wedding," Batur interrupted.

    "Why?" Yvaine asked.

    "I don't know. That's just what I was told."

    Yvaine retreated to her bed and sat down. She rubbed her forehead, trying to clear her thoughts. "Father, you must know what's going on."

    "I don't. I haven't been privy to King Hakan's meetings with his most trusted. I've only been to the Council meetings."

    "Then you have to find out." Yvaine lifted her gaze and met his.

    "You want me to spy on our king?"

    "He is not my king," Yvaine growled. "Hakan is planning something. I know that it will cost Narnia and Telmar greatly. We have to find out what it is and stop it before it's too late."

    "I'll do what I can," Batur sighed. "I'm sorry, my Darling, but I couldn't see you killed." He left the room without another word.

    "What are you planning?" Evolet asked.

    "I doubt my father will be able to learn much. Lord Javaid, however, seems to be a new favorite of the king. Maybe I can get him to tell me something," Yvaine thought aloud. "He must actually be attracted to me in some way if he wanted to marry me."

    "And what about Edmund?"

    "I don't know. I can't get to the palace to talk to him so it's possible that King Hakan won't allow him to leave." She thought for a moment. "Can you go talk to him for me?"

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