Chapter 45

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    Yvaine spent the next two days in hasty preparations for her upcoming wedding. There were decorations to be placed, gowns to be made, and a party to plan. Everything came together easier than she had anticipated. She saw little of Aslan, although Edmund had mentioned speaking with him a few times.

    At last, the day came. Yvaine stood before her vanity, hastily brushing out her hair. The door opened a few minutes later and Evolet, Susan, and Lucy came running in. They already wore their new gowns and had their hair styled. Susan and Lucy carried a gown. Evolet held a small cluster of flowers.

    Yvaine shrugged out of her nightclothes and into her wedding gown. It was simple, but beautiful. The long bell shaped sleeves cut off at her elbows. The skirt flared around her feet, forming a small train. The dress itself was made from a lightweight white fabric. Evolet pulled Yvaine's curls over her back. She pinned up a small section of hair and tucked her bouquet of baby's breath into it.

    Yvaine took in her reflection, finally. "You look beautiful!" Lucy exclaimed.

    "Thanks," Yvaine replied, blushing.

    "We should go or we'll be late," Susan added.

    Evolet looped her arm through Yvaine's and they stepped into the hallway. Susan and Lucy went on ahead to take their places. Edmund was waiting for them outside of the Great Hall.

    Ev pulled Yvaine into a tight hug. "I am happy to be here with you today."

    "I'm glad you are. You've never left me to face anything alone before and I'm grateful," Yvaine replied.

    "As long as I live, Sister, you won't be alone." Evolet gave them a smile and slipped away.

    Edmund simply stared at her for a moment. "You look..." he broke off, fumbling for words.

    Yvaine kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

    She took his arm as the doors opened. Fauns began to play a powerful, yet soft tune. Sunlight streamed through the glass ceiling of the Great Hall, making all of the flowers and garlands glow gold. Centaurs lined the aisle with their swords raised. As the two of them walked past, they lowered their swords. Aslan was waiting before the four thrones.

    They came to a halt before him. Aslan gave them a warm smile, his amber eyes glowing with pride. The crowd quieted as he spoke. "Today, we witness a momentous occasion, one that several of you may have seen previously."

    Yvaine couldn't truly focus on Aslan's words. Her mind was whirling with excitement and a newfound freedom. She no longer had to worry about what the consequences of their relationship would be. She said her vows when the time came and Aslan pronounced them husband and wife, yet again. They shared a brief kiss, then faced Aslan again.

    Mr. Tumnus appeared at Aslan's side, bearing a crown on a pillow. Yvaine recognized Rubmrig's handy work in the delicately crafted circlet. Leaves, vines, and an unfamiliar flower made up the silver design.

    "Through your marriage to King Edmund, you have gained the title of a Queen of Narnia," Aslan began, "but you have earned that title time and again. I once told you that it was by no accident that you were brought here. Without you, without your knowledge and commitment to both kingdoms and their people, we may not stand here today." He paused.

    "If I may," Yvaine murmured. "It wasn't just my actions. Everyone who fought in the war played a part in establishing peace."

    "Indeed, and still, Telmarines and Narnians alike listened to you, when they would listen to no one else," Aslan replied. Yvaine wasn't sure how to respond, so she stayed silent. "As once I crowned Narnia's four Kings and Queens, I crown you. To Narnia's evening sky, and to the moon and stars within, I give Queen Yvaine the Brave." Yvaine bowed her head as Mr. Tumnus settled her crown over her brown curls.

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