Chapter 3

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The next afternoon couldn't come fast enough. Yvaine had spent the night in a dozing state, running over sword forms in her head. When she'd woken, she'd skipped breakfast and went straight to practicing.

That was where she was when Evolet found her. Yvaine ducked low beneath the mechanical soldier she'd created to fight her. Its sword arched down and she parried, then rolled beneath it. She popped back up and leveled her sword at its neck. The machine ceased whirring and went still.

Evolet clapped nearby. "Do you plan on taking of King Edmund's head? That's a great way to make friends," she laughed.

Yvaine wiped some sweat off her forehead and straightened. "No, I won't try to. I grabbed a rule pamphlet from the post boy this morning. It said that all of our weapons will have something at the end of them to dull the jabs. If someone draws blood, they're disqualified from the duel."

Evolet nodded, then stroked her chin thoughtfully. "How is this going to help you speak with King Edmund?"

"If I beat him in the duel, then I get to choose an award."

"And I take it you've already decided on one and it will answer my question?"

Yvaine grinned and nodded. "Absolutely. I'd tell you, but I'd rather wait until after the duel, in case I lose."

"I'll just wish you luck then. Come on. We need to get you ready or you'll be late." Evolet crossed the room and threw open the armory doors.

Yvaine sheathed her sword and followed her in. Ev was already sifting through the piles of armor lining the walls. Yvaine drifted to one set in particular. "I want to use this one," she said.

Ev eyed it for a moment. "Are you sure? It's so...plain."

She nodded. "I don't want to stand out. I want to look like some local boy who thinks he can best a king."

Evolet shrugged and helped her out of her gown. "That's a good idea, actually. Have you thought about how you're going to enter?"

Yvaine smirked and glanced down at her shorter friend. "Pretend I'm your newest fancy. You want me to duel the King so you entered me."

Evolet let out a howl of laughter. "Your father might actually get angry about this one!"

"If he gets angry about anything, it'll be the fact that I'm the only girl entering." She tightened a few sections of the armor, then stared at her hair. "What are we going to do about this?"

Evolet stared for a minute, then twisted the long braid up into a bun at the nape of her neck. She pulled a few pins from her own hair and slid them into Yvaine's. "Now..." Ev glanced around before snatching up a helmet. It was bigger than the one that matched her armor. She slipped it on over the bun. It hid her hair from view and still fit about right.

Yvaine stared at her reflection in a mirror close by and smiled. "So? How do I look?" She flipped the helmet visor down and drew her sword, falling into position.

"Like you're about to defeat a Narnian king in a duel," Evolet laughed. "I had someone saddle two horses for us. Let's go."

Yvaine flipped her visor up and sheathed her sword again. They took a servant's door out towards the stable and mounted the two horses waiting. They took off galloping through the city immediately. The duel was taking place on the beach, just beyond the city. It didn't take too long to reach.

As soon as the tents of the dueling area were in view, Yvaine pulled her helmet visor down again. They slowed the horses and dismounted. A young boy came running and took the reins from their hands. Yvaine offered Ev her arm, as though she were a man. Evolet snickered and took it.

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