Chapter 37

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Morning came all too soon. Yvaine hadn't slept much, so she was already up when Evolet entered her room. She straightened and closed her notebook. "Writing down some new questions?" Ev asked.

Yvaine shook her head. "More like...looking over those already answered and those still waiting for one." She stood. "Have Peter and Edmund left already?"

Ev nodded. "They left early this morning. Susan and Lucy are waiting for us in the armory."

"The armory?" She raised an eyebrow. "We already have some armor."

"Peter said he wanted us to have better armor this time," Evolet explained. "Come on. We don't have long." She grabbed Yvaine's hand and pulled her down the stairs.

They went deeper and deeper into the castle before they reached the armory. Sure enough, Susan and Lucy were already waiting there. They had donned armor of their own, and looked very much unlike the graceful smiling queens she had come to know.

"I think these should fit," Susan said. She pointed out two simple uniforms, matching her own.

Yvaine quickly slid the armor over her tunic and chainmail. Lucy helped her strap the shoulder plates into position, while Susan helped Evolet. Yvaine couldn't help but notice the red lion engraved onto the chest plate of her armor. It was strangely comforting.

At last, she buckled her sword to her waist. "You won't need that," Lucy said, gesturing to her blade. "You'll need the sheath, I mean, but Edmund told me you won't need your old sword, or the one we've lent to you."

"All right?" Yvaine drew her sword out and left it on a rack with some others. The four of them headed back up the stairs and went out to the stables.

Nutmeg was saddled once again. Yvaine said nothing as she mounted. They started off towards Beruna. By the time they arrived, the sun was already lowering itself in the sky. There were still a few hours of daylight left, though.

Yvaine dismounted and Nutmeg trotted off with the other horses. Susan and Lucy quickly located Peter and Edmund. They grouped together shortly. "Everyone has been sorted into groups. They're ready to move out as soon as we give the order," Edmund reported.

"Good." Peter crossed his arms. "In the morning, the four of us will meet King Hakan on the battlefield and give him our formal answer. I don't expect him to try to let us walk away, so we'll have to be ready."

"Hakan won't meet you alone," Yvaine broke in. "He'll bring all of the Lords of Telmar with him. I wouldn't be surprised if he brought soldiers too."

"Then we'll bring General Oreius and you," Peter replied. "But we'll bring no one else."

They nodded their agreement and split up once more. "I'm going to join the other archers. I'll have to be with them in the morning," Evolet said. She hugged Yvaine tightly, before walking off.

Yvaine turned to Edmund. "Come on. There's someone who has something for you." He took her hand and led her across the grassy field. They reached a group of dwarves. One of them stepped away from the group and approached them.

"Do ye remember me, Girlie?" The dwarf asked.

Yvaine tilted her head, trying to think. It came to her quickly. "You lent me your sword when I dueled Peter. That was when I first came to Narnia."

"Indeed. Rumbrig is my name."

"It's nice to meet you...again."

Rumbrig turned to the dwarves and waved a hand. One of them came running, with a wrapped object in his hands. He gave it to Rumbrig before backing away once more. Rumbrig faced Yvaine.

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