Chapter 17

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    When they reached the Dancing Lawn at last, the dancing was in full swing. Fauns formed rings and were spinning across the clearing. Others were playing instruments. Centaurs, Minotaurs, dwarfs, and an assortment of other creatures made up the rest of the crowd. It was dark and numerous bonfires speckled the landscape as well.

    Yvaine spotted Evolet dancing in one of the faun rings. A curly headed faun said something to her and she burst out laughing. Lucy was playing an instrument with the other minstrels. A hand tapped her on the shoulder. Yvaine spun around to see Edmund.

    "Is Nutmeg all right?" He asked.

    "Yes, she told me what happened and why she doesn't like being ridden. She said she can handle bareback riding, but she hates saddles. Is there someone who could take the saddle back when we leave?"

    Edmund nodded. "I can find someone."

    "Nutmeg mentioned that you were the one who bought her back from Archenland and gave her her freedom."

    Edmund looked down. "I know how it feels to be forced to serve someone against your will. I couldn't leave her there."

    "What do you mean?"

    "Never mind. Would you like to dance?" He offered her a hand.

    Yvaine narrowed her eyes but allowed him to lead her into the group of dancers. They whirled around the clearing until the song ended and another one struck up.

    "How do you like Narnia so far?" Edmund asked.

    "It's everything I imagined it would be. I'm a bit disappointed to have not seen Aslan, though."

    He laughed. "Chances are, you won't see him. He comes and goes at random. People say that he comes around more since we're here, but I've barely seen him at all this past year."

    "I hope I get to see him someday. Most Telmarines don't believe that he exists."

    "So why do you?"

    Yvaine shrugged. "Just a feeling, I suppose. Whenever someone mentions him, I feel both warm and cold at the same time. His name is peaceful and terrible. He is contradictory and seems utterly unrealistic, and that's why I believe."

    "He would like hearing you say that," Edmund replied. "When I first heard his name, I was terrified."


    He paused, a look of guilt crossing his face. "Because I had done something terrible and I was afraid of what would happen if I met him and it was revealed."

    "What did you do?"

    "I prefer not to talk about it."

    "Oh, that's all right." Yvaine couldn't' stop the questions that floated through her mind, though. "I must admit, I'm dreading the time when I have to return to Telmar."

    "Why? Won't you be glad to see your father again?"

    "Yes. I miss him terribly, but it's been a relief not to be under the scrutiny of the court there. I don't know if you noticed, but while my father is respected, I am not. The women there hate me and Queen Mira and Lady Merredin make it their personal goal to torment me whenever they can."

    Edmund raised his eyebrows. "I gathered that much. Why do you stay?"

    "For my father. Since my mother is dead, I'm seen as the lady of the household. As a nobleman's daughter, I have obligations to fulfill, even if I don't want them. For the most part, I try to appease the Queen enough that she'll ignore me most of the time."

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