Chapter 9

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Yvaine led the way through the dark hallway. She tried to keep the rustling of her skirt to a minimum. Every whisper of them seemed as loud as thunder. Edmund followed close behind. They tiptoed past King Hakan and Queen Mira's chambers.

"The office is just over here," Yvaine whispered. "We'll have to be quiet though. It's adjoined to the King's room."

Edmund nodded and followed her in. They closed the door softly. Yvaine ran over to the second door. She peered into the King's chamber. Muffled snores were the only sounds to be heard. Gently, she closed the door that connected the two rooms.

Edmund struck a match and lit two candles. He handed one to Yvaine. "Where would the reports be?"

She rubbed her forehead, trying to keep her drowsiness at bay. "There's millions of them. I need a time frame for when the alleged attacks took place."

"Telmarines started crossing our borders four months ago. I don't know when King Hakan thinks Narnians attacked them."

She let out a sigh. "Four months of reports it is." Yvaine crossed the room to one of the several large cupboards. She traced a finger over the lock. She turned back to the King's desk and slid open a drawer.

Edmund caught on and opened a few others. They began to rummage through the contents, until Edmund held up a key ring. "Here. Try these." He handed it to her.

Yvaine gave him a grateful smile and returned to the cupboard. She fitted several keys into the lock until one of them worked. Yvaine swung the doors open and grimaced at the mountains of reports held within individual boxes.

"Look at the labels on these and see if they're ones that we need," she said. "I'll start on the next cupboard."

Edmund nodded and set to work while she unlocked the second cupboard. Yvaine set the keys down on the floor and pulled a box towards her. She read the label and returned it to its spot. She soon found five boxes that fit the time frame.

Edmund joined her, carrying five more boxes. "Should we check the next cupboards or start with these?" He asked.

"Here." Yvaine handed him the keys. "You check the other cupboards and I'll start with these. There's bound to be more reports somewhere."

He nodded and took the keys. Yvaine sat down and grabbed a box. She began to pull reports out and skim over them quickly. None seemed important or out of place. They didn't mention any Narnian activity either. She finished off the first box and moved on to the next.

The first eight boxes yielded nothing. Edmund had found three more boxes to add to their growing pile. Yvaine kept reading the reports and listening for any sign of activity within the King's room. Edmund sat down next to her and started reading over the reports as well.

"If we don't find anything, you can assume that Hakan is lying." Yvaine tucked a report back into its box and drew out another. "I haven't found anything that says otherwise."

Edmund nodded, still reading. Yvaine paused and watched him for a moment. He seemed tired and his gaze portrayed his frustration. He rubbed his eyes for a second, then caught her gaze. Yvaine looked away and started reading another report.

Finally, only two boxes remained. They had still found nothing. She stood and began to move the boxes back into the cupboards. "We should hurry. A guards could come by at any minute," Edmund said. "I've been keeping tabs on their rounds."

She gave him a curious look. Yvaine locked the first cupboard and moved on to the next. "Why?"

Edmund smirked. "I get tired of being stuck here so I sneak out of the palace and ride along the beach at night."

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