Chapter 38

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    Dirt and blood sprayed the air. Yvaine crossed blades with one soldier and fended off another with her dagger. She found a weak point in the second soldier's wrist armor. Yvaine drove her dagger into it. He dropped his sword with a shriek. Nutmeg kicked him solidly. He flew backwards and didn't get up. Yvaine disarmed the other soldier with a quick flick of the wrist. He ran before Nutmeg could kick him.

    The trees were still on the move, crushing catapults and sending Telmarines flying. She hoped they could tell the difference between her and the enemy. Arrows whizzed past, coming close enough for her to feel the wind from them. Yvaine clung to Nutmeg as they worked their way through the battlefield.

    She couldn't tell if every regiment in Hakan's army had joined the fight yet. If they had, it wouldn't be long before the Narnian reinforcements came. If they hadn't, she hoped they'd be able to draw them in before long. Yvaine glanced towards the sky. The sun was already past its highest point.

    Nutmeg slipped and tried to regain her footing as they galloped on. The grass was slick with blood. Yvaine spotted Lucy defending some medics as they rushed to grab the injured. "My Lady," Lycyries shouted, appearing at Yvaine's side. "King Hakan is holding some troops in reserve. He won't send them all."

    "Have you told Peter and Edmund?" She raised her sword and blocked someone's attack. Nutmeg butted her head into his.

    "Yes, my Lady. They sent me to bring you to them." Lycyries blocked and attacked with both swords.

    Yvaine nodded and Nutmeg began to follow the centaur. Peter and Edmund appeared up ahead. Lycyries faded back into the fight and Yvaine joined the two kings. "We need a new plan," Edmund called. "Our reinforcements are still waiting for the last of Hakan's army to enter the fight."

    "They're not going to. Those last few regiments will protect the King, I believe," Yvaine replied. "Apparently, Hakan isn't one to lead his men into battle."

    A Telmarine lunged towards Nutmeg, his sword raised. Yvaine grabbed her dagger and threw it with deadly precision. It embedded itself between the soldier's eyes, barely visible through the visor of his helmet. The man fell and Yvaine fought the urge to vomit.

    "This is it, then," Peter said. "We have to bring our reinforcements in now."

    "We'll lose the ability to box them all in," Edmund protested.

    "We're not going to get that chance anyway." Yvaine gritted her teeth, watching the Telmarines and Narnians pick their way around the massive rock formations. The fighting even stretched towards the plains, where King Hakan and his last few regiments remained.

    "She's right, Ed. We have to do it now before they overwhelm us further." Peter gave him a pleading look. Edmund nodded finally. Peter waved a hand to a Minotaur nearby. The large black creature threw his head back and bellowed.

    Yvaine continued to fight. Dirt stained her face and she could feel wet blood dripping from a few cuts. Her hair was loose and matted, but that was the least of her concerns. Nutmeg's nostrils flared with exhaustion. She, too, had sustained several injuries.

    Holes appeared in the ground on the plains. The last of the Narnian troops came pouring out of them, weapons drawn. The Telmarines were briefly confused, but recovered quickly. The fighting didn't slow any.

    Yvaine gasped, spying a familiar body on the ground close by. Lord Altair's mouth was open in a scream. Blood coated his throat and his eyes were unblinking. "He's sent some of the lords into battle."

    "What does that mean?" Peter grunted, fending off another solider.

    "They're leading their own troops. The lords..." she broke off and blocked an incoming blow. Nutmeg stomped a hoof onto the Telmarine's foot and knocked him backwards. "They pledge their personal troops to the King. That's where Telmar's army comes from. He has his most trusted lords out here with them."

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