Chapter 11

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    "Yvaine, please don't do this," Batur pleaded. They were standing in the hallway outside of the Council chambers. Only a few minutes had gone by since she had been appointed ambassador. King Hakan and King Edmund were drafting a treaty, under the scrutiny of the other lords.

    "I have to, Father. I'm the best option. I know the most about Narnia and I'm a Telmarine."

    "But...what if they hurt you?"

    "The Narnians won't hurt me. You should be more afraid about what King Hakan will do if I back out," Yvaine replied.

    "You know he'll try to use you."

    "I know, but I have to do this anyway. One, I'll be in more trouble if I don't. Two, I'm the best option here. Three..." Yvaine glanced through the open door. Edmund's dark head was bent over a table as he hastily wrote something down. As if sensing her gaze, he looked up. "Three, Edmund is my friend."

    "Edmund?" Batur raised an eyebrow at her lack of formality.

    "While you've been busy at court, I've been busy learning," she said.

    "Oh, Darling," he sighed.

    "Yvaine!" King Hakan shouted, interrupting Batur. She gave her father an apologetic look and returned to the chamber. She stepped in front of the King. "You will be leaving for Narnia tomorrow. You'll spend four months there. I expect weekly updates about the progress towards the goals of the treaty."

    "Yes, your Majesty," she said.

    He folded up a dry copy of the treaty and handed it to her. "I suppose you'll be needing this. Keep it safe. I don't want to see signs of tampering on any of the copies." She took the treaty and Hakan waved a hand, dismissing her.

    Edmund followed her out of the room. They joined Batur once more. "When will you leave?" He asked.

    "Tomorrow," Yvaine replied.

    "It'll take us two days to cross the mountains," Edmund added. "Once we reach the Great River, there will be small ferries waiting. We'll take them to Cair Paravel."

    Yvaine nodded and smiled, finally feeling some excitement. She was actually going to Narnia. "Can I..." She knit her brows. "Would Evolet be able to come with?"

    "Sure," Edmund shrugged.

    "Your Majesty, please make sure they stay safe," Batur said.

    Edmund nodded, his gaze becoming serious. "I promise they will be."

    "We should go. There's a lot to do before tomorrow." Batur offered an arm to Yvaine.

    "Pack only what you need. We'll need to travel fast so light weight is best," Edmund called.

    Yvaine waved to show that she'd heard him. They started towards the nearest exit. Queen Mira and Lady Merredin appeared, suddenly. "Excuse me, Lord Batur, but King Hakan wants a private audience with Yvaine," Queen Mira said.

    Batur patted Yvaine's hand and released her arm. "I'll be waiting in the carriage."

    "She won't be long." Queen Mira gave Batur a tight smile. The two women surrounded Yvaine and ushered her towards another room. Hakan was waiting there with another glass of wine in hand.

    He turned as they approached. Lady Merredin closed the door and remained outside. Queen Mira moved to her husband's side and took his arm. "It's no surprise to you, being chosen as ambassador, I take it?"

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