Chapter 39

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She whispered stories to Edmund, all of the stories she'd ever heard. Yvaine told him tales of Old Narnia. She told him of Aslan and the Witch, even though he'd lived through those events. She told him the legends her mother had told her. When she ran out of stories, Yvaine began telling him of her dreams for their future.

Peter's gaze flickered between her and Edmund. He didn't look the solemn king he was used to. He just looked like a man scared for his brother's life. Yvaine didn't know if he could hear what she was telling Edmund. She half hoped he could.

Edmund's hand was limp in her own. Still, Yvaine kept one hand over his wound. The bleeding hadn't stopped. In fact, it had worsened. Edmund hung on, though. With each shuddering breath that he drew, he lived another minute. At last, hurried footsteps announced Lucy and Susan's arrival.

The Narnians parted for them immediately. They dropped down beside Peter and Yvaine. Susan lifted Edmund's head and Lucy uncorked her cordial. She let a drop fall in between her brother's lips. Yvaine squeezed his hand tightly, not allowing her fear to overwhelm her.

A few minutes passed. Gradually, the color began to return to his skin. Edmund's breathing evened out, although his eyes stayed shut. Yvaine released a breath and Lucy and Susan laughed, although it sounded more like strangled sobs. Peter scrubbed at his face and sighed in relief as well.

He stood up, finally, looking like a king once more. "I want those who are able to search for more of our wounded. Bring them back to camp," he ordered.

"What about the dead?" Someone called.

Peter closed his eyes for a moment. "We'll have to worry about them later. For now, those still alive are our priority. When everyone has been tended to, we'll gather the dead." He started off with General Oreius at his side.

The rest of the Narnians began to scatter. Two fauns approached with a stretcher of sorts. They carefully lifted Edmund onto it and headed towards the camp. Yvaine stood shakily. Nutmeg walked towards her. Yvaine leaned against her sturdy side.

"What happened?" Lucy asked. She and Susan drew closer. Evolet joined them a moment later.

"Lord Javaid was there. He wanted to take me. He told Edmund that if he could, he'd negotiate your survival with King Hakan," Yvaine explained. "You can guess how that went over with Edmund."

"How did Javaid land a blow like that? Edmund is the best swordsman in Narnia," Susan pointed out.

"He caught him off guard. I was too far away to help in time." Yvaine petted Nutmeg's damp neck. She wasn't even very aware of doing it. It was soothing, though, and Nutmeg didn't protest.

"He'll be all right now," Lucy said. "My cordial will heal him, although it might take a while for him to get his strength back."

Yvaine simply nodded. A new fear had wormed its way into her mind, now that Edmund was safely out of death's grasp. He wanted to marry me because he thought he was going to die. What if he regrets that when he wakes up?

"Yvaine?" Evolet tapped her shoulder. "What are you thinking about?"

"What if he regrets it?" She whispered.

"Regrets what?" Susan glanced at Lucy. Lucy simply shrugged.

"They were married before you arrived," Evolet explained.

Lucy's mouth dropped open in an excited smile. "Wait, really?"

Yvaine nodded. "What if he regrets it, though?"

Susan gave her a small smile. "He won't. He talked to all of us about it when you came back from Telmar. He planned to ask you when things had calmed down."

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