Chapter 22

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Yvaine had just finished changing when Susan and Lucy arrived. Evolet handed her the satchel and the four of them started off. Susan took the lead when they left the palace grounds. They would be heading down to the docks below the cliff, where all of their ships were docked.

A crowd was gathered around the ships when they arrived. Yvaine's eyes widened, taking in the sight. The Splendour Hyaline was the most beautiful ship she'd ever seen, not that she'd seen very many. It had large silken sails and great stern lanterns. A swan's head was carved into the prow of the ship and wings spread across the sides.

"What do you think?" Lucy asked.

"It's magnificent," Yvaine replied.

"I think so too."

Yvaine turned to Ev. "Are you sure you'll be all right here by yourself?"

"Of course I will. There's plenty to keep me occupied," Evolet grinned. She hugged Yvaine. "You just enjoy yourself and be careful."

"I will." Yvaine smiled at her, before following Susan and Lucy towards the ship.

"Wait for us!" Mrs. Beaver cried suddenly. She ran towards the ship, dragging Mr. Beaver behind her. "You'll be needing a cook, I suppose."

"Welcome aboard, Mrs. Beaver," Susan laughed.

They stepped aside and let the beavers board first. Yvaine followed Susan up the ramp and Lucy came last. The crew was bustling about the deck, readying for their departure. Yvaine spotted Peter and Edmund at the helm, talking.

"Did Peter change his mind?" She turned to Lucy, raising an eyebrow.

Lucy shook her head. "I don't think so. He said he didn't want all of us to leave Narnia while there are still such high tensions."

Peter came down the stairs a moment later. He hugged Susan and Lucy. "Take care. I'll see you when you get back." He gave Yvaine an appraising look and a nod, before leaving the ship.

A Minotaur lifted the ramp on board and tipped a hand to the captain. Yvaine felt the ship jerk beneath her feet as they set sail. She spotted Evolet amongst the crowd and waved. Ev waved back.

"Come on. We'll go situate our stuff," Lucy said, looping her arm through Yvaine's. They strode across the deck and entered the Captain's Quarters.

Three hammocks were suspended from the ceiling. Susan had already placed her bag on the shelf near one. Yvaine and Lucy quickly claimed their's. Yvaine inspected the cabin as she stuffed her bag into a cabinet. There were bookcases bolted to the floors and wall, filled with maps, books, and all manner of tools. More tools and maps covered a large desk. The windows in the back of the cabin jutted outwards, with padded seats beneath them.

"How long will it take us to reach the Lone Islands?" Yvaine asked.

"Three days there and another three days back home," Lucy replied. "Come on. I want to teach you to climb the rigging. You too, Susan."

"Oh, Lu, why do you always insist on this?" Susan groaned.

"Susan has a bit of an aversion to heights," Lucy whispered.

"I heard that."

"Come on. It'll be fun!" Lucy folded her hands together and gave Susan a pleading look.

"All right, fine." Susan grinned and rolled her eyes.

They made their way back onto the main deck. Edmund was still at the helm, now steering the ship with the Captain standing beside him. Yvaine was a bit surprised to see that the captain was a dwarf, but she didn't look for long.

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