Chapter 12

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Yvaine secured her sword at her right hip and her dagger on her left. She was standing in front of their manor, waiting for Edmund to arrive. Evolet was beside her, as well as her father. Evolet finished braiding her blonde hair and coiled it up in a bun, making it match Yvaine's.

Batur tapped his foot, wearing a worried expression. "You girls promise to be careful," he said at last.

"We will be, Father. You don't have to worry." Yvaine gave him a small smile and hugged him tightly.

"I know, but that won't stop me. Have fun, too. I want to hear all of your stories when you get back."

"There will be plenty, I'm certain," Evolet laughed.

"Ev, make sure Yvaine keeps up with her dancing lessons. Madame Tanith will be very angry if she comes home having forgotten them."

Evolet slung an arm around Yvaine's shoulders. "Yes, Sir. I'll make sure she practices and learns a few more." She leaned towards Yvaine, lowering her voice. "I think King Edmund appreciates it when you don't step on his feet."

Yvaine rolled her eyes but grinned. The clopping of horse hooves interrupted them. Edmund and King Hakan appeared, with several guards and two saddled horses. Edmund dismounted when they passed through the gates.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

They both nodded eagerly. Edmund led one of the horses forward and helped Evolet onto it. The second horse was brought forward as well. Yvaine took his hand and let him help her mount. Edmund swung up onto his own horse and nodded to Batur.

Yvaine saw tears shining in her father's eyes. He really is worried, she realized. She waved a hand and gave him a bright smile as they rode off. He disappeared from sight several minutes later. King Hakan and a few of his guards rode on ahead. Edmund brought his horse back in between Evolet and Yvaine.

"We'll meet up with my entourage at the foot of the mountains. We'll try to take the warmer and faster routes but the weather up there can be unpredictable," he said.

"How long will it take to reach Cair Paravel once we're on the river?" Ev asked.

"A day; maybe half a day if we get there sooner than expected."

Yvaine felt a burst of excitement. She bit her lip and smiled. "How far will Hakan travel with us?"

"Only until we meet with my group. It'll take us half of the day to get there. We'll travel into the mountains until we reach our first campsite and then carry on in the morning."

"That sounds perfect." She couldn't wait to get away from the King. At least Queen Mira didn't come along, she thought gratefully. They continued to ride on.

Several hours passed, with few breaks from riding. The group stopped for about fifteen minutes, long enough for a short lunch, before they were moving again. Yvaine was still excited, although sore, when they finally neared the foothills of the mountains. She began to search for any sign of King Edmund's entourage.

Hakan ordered their group to stop, momentarily. Yvaine's eyes widened. From the woods at the base of the hills, several creatures emerged. Centaurs, fauns, and minotaurs moved towards them. She took in the size of their weapons and the strength within their arms and legs. Surprisingly, she felt no fear, as she might've. Leopards and tigers moved among their hooves and a few dwarves were with the group as well.

One faun approached Edmund, with a handsome chestnut horse behind him. Edmund jumped down and greeted both creatures fondly. Yvaine couldn't hear what he was saying. At last, he beckoned them forward. Evolet and Yvaine dismounted. Yvaine swayed on her feet, unsteady after riding for so long. She managed to straighten herself though, and joined Edmund.

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