Chapter 16

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Yvaine glanced over her notes and scribbled down a few more sentences in her report to King Hakan. Their first week in Narnia was nearing its end. She'd be expected to send the report soon. Evolet was sprawled across her bed, looking through her notebook of questions.

"You haven't asked even half of these," she said.

"I know. Some of them I can't ask now. Others require the proper timing," Yvaine replied. She held her letter up and skimmed over it.

A knock sounded on the door. "Come in," Ev hollered.

The door creaked open and Edmund poked his head in. "As busy as ever, I see." He stepped in and closed the door. "Is that your report?" He gestured towards the letter Yvaine held.

"It is. I'm nearly finished." She set it back down and continued writing.

"Peter asked that I read over your reports before you send them," Edmund explained. Yvaine glanced up at him. He seemed almost embarrassed by the fact. "I told him it wasn't necessary but he insisted. Susan agreed with him and Lucy was impartial."

"It's all right. I understand. They're just looking out for their kingdom. I would do the same." Yvaine finished it up and passed it to Edmund. He read over it quickly and handed it back.

"I'm sorry I haven't been around to help you settle in," he said, as Yvaine prepared the wax to seal the letter with. "I've been kept busy too."

"It's all right."

"We missed you terribly," Evolet laughed.

Edmund smirked and rolled his eyes. "How have you kept yourself occupied, Evolet?"

"Oh, the usual. I've been inspecting the horses, the grounds, the forest, a few fauns, etcetera," Evolet drawled.

"Too bad Mrs. Beaver went home. I should have had her put you to work."

"I only work for Yvaine, your Majesty. If you want me, you've got to get her first," Ev giggled.

Yvaine bit her lip and poured the melted wax onto the folded letter. She pressed the seal in place and removed it after a few seconds. "Well, anyway, I'm not busy today so I came to ask if there's something you two would like to do," Edmund said. He took the letter once Yvaine finished up.

"I've been dying to go to a dance," Evolet said.

"She wants to see the fauns dance, she means," Yvaine added.

"Actually, that's a possibility. Mr. Tumnus said that there will be a celebration tonight. The fauns will be at the Dancing Lawns. A few others are coming as well."

"What's the celebration for?" Yvaine asked.

"The movement of a few constellations. One of the centaurs read their movements and interpreted their meaning. A time of great peace is approaching. They wanted to celebrate with a dance," Edmund explained. "Would you like to go?" He was facing Evolet, but Yvaine saw his gaze drift towards her.

"I'd love to!" Evolet exclaimed. "Can we, Yvaine?"

"Sure. Maybe I'll learn some new skills to impress Madame Tanith with."

Evolet leaped to her feet with a squeal of delight. She darted into her own room and let the door fall shut. "Is she all right?" Edmund asked.

"Perfectly fine. She'll be spending the rest of the afternoon getting ready."

"What about you?"

"It takes me an hour or so? I'll spend my afternoon in boredom," she laughed.

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